Category "traefik-ingress"

Kubernetes ingress rules: How to use wildcard and specific subdomain together

I want Ingress to redirect a specific subdomain to one backend and all others to other backend. Basically, I want to define a rule something like the following:

How to configure traefik kubernetes ingress to restrict specific API paths?

I have a microservice which is deployed to Kubernetes and has following REST APIs: /abc /abc/xyz /abc/{path-param}/def The traefik ingress is currently configur

Traefik V2 get wildcard certificate

I have basic setup running after following this tutorial But struggling to get wildcard certificate for domain from Let's Encrypt. traefik configuration :

Traefik (v2.2) Ingress on Kubernetes: HTTP and HTTPS cannot co-exist

I am using Traefik (v2.2) on Kubernetes, using a wildcard domain certificate for HTTPS access. The following are my Traefik deployment and Ingress configuration

oauth2-proxy returns a white webpage with "Found" link instead of the provider authentication page

I am using oauth2-proxy (v7.2.0) for authentication NB: i use traefik v2 to redirect the requests to oauth2-proxy which is deployed via helm chart. below, the o