I am working on a react-weather application for self learning purpose. Deployed the same in gh-pages. URL https://davisraimon.github.io/react-weather/ Repo ht
i am trying to make a cicd pipeline github->travisci->aws eks everything works fine images are posted to dockerhub and all.but when travis is executing ku
For example, travis-ci.com allows the user to define an env variable which is bound to a certain branch. Whereas Github does allow you to define secret env vari
I am new to CI/CD tools. I have made CI/CD pipeline using travis CI. But my build is failed and it is giving me the following error : No output has been receiv
I have a spring boot project here: https://github.com/jcasbin/jcasbin-springboot-plugin. I encountered the following error in Travis CI: shell 3.43s$ ./mvnw in
I am working on a Elixir/Phoenix app that uses Bamboo to send email using a server at My TravisCI builds fail because of the lack of a SMTP server
I have a WPF C# application hosted on GitHub attached to Travis. I configured my .travis-ci.yml this way: language: csharp solution: FaceDetection/FaceDetectio
I'm having trouble building my nuxt images in a travis CI pipeline. My local environment is ubuntu 18.04 - docker version 19.03.11 docker-compose version 1.24.1
I have Django application based on docker-compose file. Somehow travis autoinstalls packages from requirements.txt in project repo and its failing my build caus