Category "travis-ci"

Treating warnings as errors because process.env.CI = true. Failed to compile

I am working on a react-weather application for self learning purpose. Deployed the same in gh-pages. URL Repo ht

deploying on eks via travis ci fails

i am trying to make a cicd pipeline github->travisci->aws eks everything works fine images are posted to dockerhub and all.but when travis is executing ku

How to Define Github Branch Specific Secret or an Alternative?

For example, allows the user to define an env variable which is bound to a certain branch. Whereas Github does allow you to define secret env vari

Travis CI build failed because of no output

I am new to CI/CD tools. I have made CI/CD pipeline using travis CI. But my build is failed and it is giving me the following error : No output has been receiv

Could not find or load main class org.apache.maven.wrapper.MavenWrapperMain

I have a spring boot project here: I encountered the following error in Travis CI: shell 3.43s$ ./mvnw in

How to set up a postfix dummy smtp server in Travis-CI for use with a Phoenix app?

I am working on a Elixir/Phoenix app that uses Bamboo to send email using a server at My TravisCI builds fail because of the lack of a SMTP server

Build error: Reference PresentationCore could not be resolved

I have a WPF C# application hosted on GitHub attached to Travis. I configured my .travis-ci.yml this way: language: csharp solution: FaceDetection/FaceDetectio

Error [ERR_PACKAGE_PATH_NOT_EXPORTED]: No "exports" main resolved in /app/node_modules/@babel/helper-compilation-targets/package.json

I'm having trouble building my nuxt images in a travis CI pipeline. My local environment is ubuntu 18.04 - docker version 19.03.11 docker-compose version 1.24.1

Travis-ci installs packages from requirements.txt file automatically

I have Django application based on docker-compose file. Somehow travis autoinstalls packages from requirements.txt in project repo and its failing my build caus