Category "truffle"

How to initialize my contract with front end?

I've compiled and deployed my contract and tested it successfully and also connect Metamask to ganache and all works fine. The problem is when I try to interact

AssertionError: expected [Function] to equal 'EthSwap Instant Exchange'

I am doing a tutorial on the web and I ran into an error while trying to run a truffle test. I am not sure where I am going wrong or what to do in this event. C

npm install -g truffle install visual studiosVsCode

I'm trying to follow this video and I think I'm doing something wrong, this is what is appearing in my terminal: .

Issue with Web3.js, try to call he contract to see the state

Hi everyone! I tried to make a call to the state of a contract developed on truffle, using web3.js in React, the problem is this, when I try to see the price of

Time out error during Deployment in Binance Smart Chain

I got an error while deploying contract in Binance Smart Chain plz help me if anybody knows it error message looks like this Deploying 'WhitePaperInterestRat

Truffle installation windows

I try to install truffle on windows with npm install -g truffle as administrator. I updated node.js npm and don't know what to do next. PS C:\Windows\system32&g

network id specified in truffle config does not match the one returned by network

I'm trying to run a truffle test on ganache-cli and it keeps saying the network ids do not match even though in my truffle-config.js file I specified the id to

Trying to run truffle and it says command not found on my mac

I've been trying to start Truffle but when I do $ truffle it says command not found. I've done npm init, npm i truffle and ./node_modules/.bin/truffle init but

How to get one value from struct of array in solidity?

I want to get the value that is inside of struct in Solidity, but I have no idea how to get it. pragma solidity >=0.4.21 <0.6.0; contract PlaceList {

Do you need a web server to run a production build of a react app on a VPS?

I have built a react app using a truffle box that uses create-react app. I can get the app running on my local host but I can't see it on my VPS when I go to th

Truffle Installation Error in "nodejs version 8.10.0" npm version "3.5.2"

I have been trying to install truffle in my Ubuntu 18.04 machine with nodejs version 8.10.0 and npm version 3.5.2, but it shows the error as below. loadDep:orig

React with Truffle contract- Resources must be listed in the web_accessible_resources manifest

I am developing a React app with Truffle and when I call the function from the contract I get the following error: Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to

React: Module not found: Can't resolve 'xmlhttprequest'

I'm getting an error when trying to build my React project: ./node_modules/ethers/utils/web.js Module not found: Can't resolve 'xmlhttprequest' in '/mnt/c/User

GraalVM Java on truffle - NullPointerException from NFIContext.getBackend when executing Java code

I'm trying to run Java code dynamically inside a Java application using Truffle from GraalVM, without success. Settings I'm working on MacOs 11.5.2. I've follow

What To Do Failed Compiling?

I am getting an error while running the command npm start. The file is created in PancakeSwap Frontend and I've been trying to fix this for a while, thanks for

Why cant truffle be installed

Background information: I run macOS 10.14.6. I just started my programming journey so please forgive me if my questions are not rock solid... Grateful for your

Web3 contract call is always returning null

I am trying to connect to a smart contract deployed using Truffle. I am using Web3 from a React app but when I make a call to any of the contract functions I al

npm install always stuck at that exact time

I tried running $ npm install -g truffle and $npm install but it was constantly freezing at a particular point. I also tried command yarn global add truffle but

how to solve "VM Exception while processing transaction: out of gas"

I faced a VM Exception while processing a transaction: out of gas error in contract. Here's my truffle-config.js file: development: { "

Truffle compile

I get this Truffle error when I compile. I have tried adding payable to the addresses but it won't work. This is the error: TypeError: Member "transfer" not fo