Category "truffle"

Using Truffle-React + IPFS dependency issue

Hooking up IPFS to my Truffle React project is causing me issues. I'm getting a dependency error (I'm thinking that's what's going on) that I can't find anythi

when i try to run solidity-coverage with truffle run coverage then I got this error

I try to run solidity coverage for testing test case and its coverage but when I run coverage command its give error like this : - command used (truffle run cov

How to test smart contract with cross-contract invoke using truffle?

I have two contract, I write in in one file, named Sum.sol. The sum contract invoke Add contract. I just want to test cross-contract invoking. If I didn't put t

How can I compile atom code through terminal using truffle?

I trying to compile my atom code through the Mac terminal and I received this error: Error parsing /Users/owner/Desktop/contracts/contracts/

Where can I find console log of lite-server?

I’m now developing a simple Dapp using Truffle. When command npm run dev is submitted, the console mode changes as below. Therefore, even though “c

I tried to deploy a smart contract with address argument in ropsten, but the account is complained to be invalid

const wallets = [accounts[2],accounts[3]]; const shares = [2,1]; return deployer .then(() => { return deployer.deploy(

Web3 error when trying to call contract methods

I encounter the following error while trying to run a dapp made using React, Truffle & Ganache. I'm also using web3 version 1.7.1. The problem is that the c

Tried npm install -g truffle but getting this gyp error

I tried npm node-gyp -g but it didn't help. I am trying to install truffle in my mac. I am using mac os Catalina, node version 16.13.1, and npm version 8.1.2 np

Testrpc error: 'no loggers could be found for logger 'jsonrpc.manager'

I'm trying to run truffle init and get the sample contract running. I run truffle init, truffle compile, & truffle migrate. In a separate terminal window (s

I ran ganache-cli and it returned an error. i've reinstall npm and nothing done

I ran ganache-cli and it returned an error. I've reinstalled npm and nothing happened. C:\Users\Abass KABORE\Desktop\Stage_DISCOM\BSCcrowdsale>ganache-cli n

Run the node.js heroku app with command “truffle exec”

I have a Truffle project executed with node.js script and want to run it in Heroku with truffle exec command, but I got the error message sh: 1: truffle: not fo

Use variables instead of numbers to set node-cron schedule

I am very new to node.js. I would like to schedule a cron job based on user inputs and pass these inputs into the cron expression. I have written a shared walle

Error "MetaMask - RPC Error: results is not defined" appeared in none changed code

My app was working without errors with Metamask and Smart Chain - Testnet. Nothing was changed but now I receive MetaMask - RPC Error: results is not defined wh