Category "truffle"

AssertionError: expected [Function] to equal 'EthSwap Instant Exchange'

I am doing a tutorial on the web and I ran into an error while trying to run a truffle test. I am not sure where I am going wrong or what to do in this event. C

npm install -g truffle install visual studiosVsCode

I'm trying to follow this video and I think I'm doing something wrong, this is what is appearing in my terminal: .

Issue with Web3.js, try to call he contract to see the state

Hi everyone! I tried to make a call to the state of a contract developed on truffle, using web3.js in React, the problem is this, when I try to see the price of

Time out error during Deployment in Binance Smart Chain

I got an error while deploying contract in Binance Smart Chain plz help me if anybody knows it error message looks like this Deploying 'WhitePaperInterestRat

Truffle installation windows

I try to install truffle on windows with npm install -g truffle as administrator. I updated node.js npm and don't know what to do next. PS C:\Windows\system32&g

network id specified in truffle config does not match the one returned by network

I'm trying to run a truffle test on ganache-cli and it keeps saying the network ids do not match even though in my truffle-config.js file I specified the id to

Trying to run truffle and it says command not found on my mac

I've been trying to start Truffle but when I do $ truffle it says command not found. I've done npm init, npm i truffle and ./node_modules/.bin/truffle init but

How to get one value from struct of array in solidity?

I want to get the value that is inside of struct in Solidity, but I have no idea how to get it. pragma solidity >=0.4.21 <0.6.0; contract PlaceList {

Do you need a web server to run a production build of a react app on a VPS?

I have built a react app using a truffle box that uses create-react app. I can get the app running on my local host but I can't see it on my VPS when I go to th

Truffle Installation Error in "nodejs version 8.10.0" npm version "3.5.2"

I have been trying to install truffle in my Ubuntu 18.04 machine with nodejs version 8.10.0 and npm version 3.5.2, but it shows the error as below. loadDep:orig

React with Truffle contract- Resources must be listed in the web_accessible_resources manifest

I am developing a React app with Truffle and when I call the function from the contract I get the following error: Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to

React: Module not found: Can't resolve 'xmlhttprequest'

I'm getting an error when trying to build my React project: ./node_modules/ethers/utils/web.js Module not found: Can't resolve 'xmlhttprequest' in '/mnt/c/User

GraalVM Java on truffle - NullPointerException from NFIContext.getBackend when executing Java code

I'm trying to run Java code dynamically inside a Java application using Truffle from GraalVM, without success. Settings I'm working on MacOs 11.5.2. I've follow

What To Do Failed Compiling?

I am getting an error while running the command npm start. The file is created in PancakeSwap Frontend and I've been trying to fix this for a while, thanks for

Why cant truffle be installed

Background information: I run macOS 10.14.6. I just started my programming journey so please forgive me if my questions are not rock solid... Grateful for your

Web3 contract call is always returning null

I am trying to connect to a smart contract deployed using Truffle. I am using Web3 from a React app but when I make a call to any of the contract functions I al

npm install always stuck at that exact time

I tried running $ npm install -g truffle and $npm install but it was constantly freezing at a particular point. I also tried command yarn global add truffle but

how to solve "VM Exception while processing transaction: out of gas"

I faced a VM Exception while processing a transaction: out of gas error in contract. Here's my truffle-config.js file: development: { "

Truffle compile

I get this Truffle error when I compile. I have tried adding payable to the addresses but it won't work. This is the error: TypeError: Member "transfer" not fo

Using Truffle-React + IPFS dependency issue

Hooking up IPFS to my Truffle React project is causing me issues. I'm getting a dependency error (I'm thinking that's what's going on) that I can't find anythi