Category "twilio"

Twilio 'twilio-video-app-android' github app Video Calling app crashes on joining a room

I am new to twilio and i am developing a andorid app for video calling i have started with the twilio 'twilio-video-app-android' from github But app crashes whe

Twilio Flask app video call is not connecting over a public IP address

I created an application in Flask Python with a frontend in HTML and Twilio SDK JavaScript version 2.3.0. A video call is working on local host, but if I try th

Portability check with Twilio

I am trying to determine if a number is portable to the Twilio platform. Other providers have portability/eligibility APIs that I can use for this purpose, but

Sending audio message with Twilio Conversations

I am trying to send audio message with twillio conversations. According to the documentation I should send a contentType and a media of type string or Buffer. T

BOM Preamble in .NET Rest API causing Twilio Parse Error 12100

We have a .NET Rest API that is a web-hook for Twilio. It returns a TwilioResponse object. Suddenly, Twilio is reporting a Parse Error 12100 on the hook. We lo

Twilio conversations get online users

I am using twilio conversations for chat. I did not find any information on this in the documentation. My questions are: Can I get information about whether the

vCard sent with Twilio not properly rendered in iOS

I'm trying to send a vCard to my iOS using curl, but the vCard is not properly rendered in my iPhone. EXCLAMATION_MARK='!' curl -X POST

What is filename for SMS-sent images processed by Twilio?

When I send an SMS to my Twilio number which includes an image, there doesn't appear to be a filename associated with the image. I'm using Twilio Studio. Exampl

"status": 500, "message": "Error TypeError: Cannot read property 'catch' of undefined"

This question is resolved by Adding await before client.messages.create I am trying to send a WhatsApp message using Twilio. the following is the Code const acc

Twilio with Capybara Getting "stack level too deep (SystemStackError)" error

I am getting stack level too deep (SystemStackError) error when trying to make Read: List messages matching filter criteria API call for Twilio in Selenium/Cucu

Getting error "The attachment content must be base64 encoded" while sending pdf in zip as an attachment using SendGrid

We are using SendGrid latest available Java API to send emails. We are attaching a PDF enclosed in a zip file. While sending mail we are getting a 404 response

Split Based on... different options not working for me?

Under the English_gather flow, when I click 2 or 3 on the caller pad, it keeps going to the first option. Not sure why?

Trying to get inbound text responses in GoHighLevel

I have Twilio integrated with GoHighlevel. I am trying to get inbound SMS responses to appear in the GHL contact. Outbound messages are functioning and logging

Dial: Invalid callerId value

I have an intercom system I am trying to setup SIP within, to call a remote office instead of a local handset in the building. I've setup a SIP domain in Twilio

How to use twilio bi-directional stream feature to play raw audio data

I'm using Twilio Programmable Voice to process phone calls. I want to use bi-directional stream feature to send some raw audio data to play by twilio, the initi

Issues authenticating to Twilio to send message from sub-account or using API Keys

I'm having some issues sending SMS messages via a Twilio messaging service. I have parent account and sub-account configuration. cURL statement is as follows: c

Any SDK for changing voice of user over the call iOS

I want to change the voice of user while they are on call. Current implementation has Twilio SDK. Is there any other SDK which provides the functionality to cha

Private Messaging with Twilio IP Messaging

Communication in Twilio IP Messaging is based on channels. I mastered authentication, I implemented communication via public channels, and now I want to impleme

Sending a message to whatsapp groups through twilio with core

I am trying to use whatsapp business api for my application with twilio. I already have read the documentation of whatsapp business api. My question is, can we

C# - Two-Factor Authentication (without ASP.NET Core Identity)

Is it possible to implement a two-factor authentication without use ASP.NET Core Identity? I have my own login table and everything works fine with login + pass