I'm trying to swap tokens with web3py using the swapExactETHForTokensSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens function, with some tokens it works perfectly, in others I ge
The aim is to calculate the uniswap v3 pool's total value locked (TVL). import json from web3 import Web3 from collections import namedtuple infura_url = 'http
I'm trying to send a permit for a transaction, but I get a function call mismatch return if I call through the smartcontract token function. If I call via encod
I have problem connected to python. I want to compile solidity files using python. But getting error. import json from solcx import compile_standard, inst
I want to calculate the total value locked in a particular pool in Uniswap v3. I can't use the subgraph API for this. I can get current liquidity / in range li
I am trying to implement a merkle tree just like merkletreejs but python does not have any good libraries that support keccak256 and sorted keccak256 trees. Doe
I'm using the Web3.py library to pull Ethereum data about transactions, blocks, etc. I would like to either pull the number of Ethereum accounts or number of mi
I'm trying to install web3py via pip in Visual Studio Code but I am getting an error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. I tried installing build tools f
Good day everyone, I'll try to be as clear as possible. I was trying to get the price of s**tcoins using web3.py and, after solving many problems, I'm stuck on
Currently, I used the following python codes to connect to web3 from web3 import Web3 # Fill in your infura API key here infura_url = "https://mainnet.infura.io
I am making an app to get live prices of tokens from the different exchanges. To do this I'm using web3.py to access to the DEX smart contract and call the getA
I'm trying to compute the balance of a lp address given the address of the token. So I have this function: web3 = Web3(Web3.HTTPProvider("https://bsc-dataseed.b
I am trying to call Uniswap's Router's function swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens(). When I enter the values manually on etherscan, it goes thr
Why is the gas fee not working? If I remove the gas fee, the transaction works. But if I add a gas fee, the transaction fails and returns error: {'code': -32000
I'm trying to get the price of some BSC token directly from the contract. Doing some searches, I found a mix of ideas with the snippet below. I'm sure the code
I am working on a project where I need to send ether from an user to a smart contract and from the smart contract to the user. The smart contract is code in Sol
I am using python3 and the web3py library. I want to send the max spendable eth of an account, through the send_raw_transaction function. At the moment I can fe
I tried installing web3, but I got the error in the picture below. I installed VS build tools using the link VS Code provided but I'm still getting the same err
How can I access smart contract calls with only the address of the contract? Correctly, I understand that the address will be enough, because with the help of i
I'm wondering how I can get pending transaction of a specific address using web3.py I tried this but I don't know where I can put the address to get the pending