Category "typescript"

Angular dynamic forms project migration - 'input' has no initializer and not constructor, another error of Type T | undefined

Angular dynamic forms project migration - error of Type T | undefined I've been looking for an example project for building angular forms based on JSON datasets

Associate a valid label to this input field sonarqube

Sonarqube found a bug in this line of code: <div class="dropdown-language"> <label>{{'GENERALE.LINGUA' | translate }}</label>

error TS1259: Module '"./node_modules/@types/express/index"' can only be default-imported using the 'esModuleInterop' flag

I'm trying to import express into the project and in the middle of the development, it just stopped working, i've reseted configurations, etc. Can't make it wor

error TS1259: Module '"./node_modules/@types/express/index"' can only be default-imported using the 'esModuleInterop' flag

I'm trying to import express into the project and in the middle of the development, it just stopped working, i've reseted configurations, etc. Can't make it wor

jest issue with typescript react components

I'm currently having an issue with Jest and Typescript inside a Lerna mono repo. Inside the test file, I've imported the component import { Doctor } from '../sr

Reload component after back from redirection in angular 8

I make a external redirection with window.location.href to another page, but as external page take too much time to load, i show a spinner in my page (managed w

Node/Express I can't get the header set up in my route

I have a backend that uses Node and the Express framework and a frontend in React. The code is in Typescript. My backend uses the elastic search client to fetch

Generate the correct type instead of a union in GraphQL codegen

I am trying to migrate a setup which generates all the types exactly like what the server has into something which is based on just the document nodes that we'v

Angular: Component is not resolved when using Speedy Web Compiler (SWC) for TestBed tests

The tests in my Nx Angular 10 repo have been running very slow so I decided to switch from using jest-ts to @swc/jest. jest.presets.ts const nxPreset = require(

Typescript , How to infer type from another property value?

For example, I have an interface with properties: key and value, I want to infer value type by the key. interface Obj { a: number; b: string } interface Param&

SvelteKit - Deployment - @sveltejs/adapter-static not updating static paths in fallback page

I'm exploring SvelteKit for the first time, I built my simple first application and I'd like to deploy it to my Apache server as a static page As far as I under

MaterialUI 5 : TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'create')

After I created ThemeSetting.tsx context I cannot use <Button><Button> and all things that use theme of materialUI ReactJS , Typescript error TypeEr

Typescript match first uppercased letter on type level

I want to transform a string literal from camelCase to snake_case, like: type CamelCaseStr = "helloWorldAgain" type _ = ToSnakeCase<CamelCaseStr> // "hell

How can I make one property non-optional in a typescript type?

I have this type: type User = { id: string; name?: string; email?: string; } And I would like to construct a similar type with name non optional: type U

"TypeError: Failed to fetch dynamically imported module" on Vue/Vite vanilla setup

We have a vanilla Vue/Vite setup and I'm receiving TypeError: Failed to fetch dynamically imported module on sentry logs. It seems like the errors are correlate

Typescript: Headless ui - Listbox - open/close management

Headless ui Listbox is not allowing to use open state with typescript. The lisbox should allow multiselect functionality. It should not close when one value is

How to handle the type of the value returned by lodash.omitBy?

omitFalsyFields generic function will remove the key which value is falsy('', undefined, null, etc...) of an object. import _, { Dictionary } from 'lodash'; ex

pass data to child component when clicked on card in parent component ( card has image name id and more info ) angular

I want to pass data when clicked on the card(card has images, id, name, and more) from the parent(nfts) to the child(main) component and render the information

Argument of type '{ title: string; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'RequiredEntityData<Post>'

I'm learning from Ben's Awad video: Fullstack React GraphQL TypeScript Tutorial. I ran into a problem with typescript. I don't understand why compiler thinks t

Angular animation on ngIf* not applying even though the code looks right

The following angular animation is not applying or working on my toolbar, it should translate it out of view, but it does nothing, it only disappears when minim