first of all, thanks for your help. I'm new to django, and I'm developing a site where you have to enter coordinates in some forms and then they should be edit
In Ubuntu 20.04 and older (And Debian 11, 10 and 9) I can convert Puny code domains with idn to UTF-8 / IDN format idn -t --quiet -a "xxx-té" Works
OBS1: this question is duplicated here as suggested by Wayne in the comments, but still with no answer. I have a remote machine running ubuntu where i am config
I was following the instructions on and trying to install bazel on U
As the title said I can't install that specific version of g++ in my current ubuntu (20.04). I have been trying the usual things as: sudo apt install g++- (and
I have lubuntu 21.04 on my old PC. All is up to date. I install docker and docker-compose: sudo apt install docker docker-compose sudo systemctl enable --now do
I am trying to set up MySQL reasonably secured, on Ubuntu 22.04, using Ansible. This is my playbook (from a post by Lorin Hochstein) See Ansible idempotent MySQ
In Intellij Ultimate docker is not detected automatically. I choose "create new", but i get the message, that i cannot connect to docker daemon at unix /var/run
As the title says, I've just upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and my previously working setup now says ImportError: cannot open shared object file: N
I've been having some issues with vmcloak after installation. I successfully installed vmcloak v.0.4.1 and when I try and run it I get this error: Successfully
When I try to login using az (az login), it's giving beloe error in ubuntu.. What is the possible solution for it?? Error: Port '8400' is taken with error '[
Im using Ubuntu as my OS. I have been able to download and open anaconda-navigator through command line. but I can't open up Jupyter lab or jupyter notebook. it
Just another post about RStudio does not start. I'm using Ubuntu Linux 22.04LTS "jammy". Since the new R version (currently 4.2.0) wasn't available in the repos
I have just upgrade my ubuntu. I have this error on spyder: Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland a
I have just upgrade my ubuntu. I have this error on spyder: Warning: Ignoring XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland on Gnome. Use QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland to run on Wayland a
ubuntu 18.04, python3.8 and using pycharm. Interpreter path in pychamr is correctly set. while trying to read specific sheet in excel, using openpyxl it keeps o
I read that this almost impossible right now to use the GPU under WSL2 (Ubuntu-20.04 distro), but NVidia has some tutorials using docker (my GPU is nVidia 960m)
I'm using Ubuntu 20.10 and I have installed scrcpy to mirror my phone screen while creating flutter applications, but when I just open Vs code, scrcpy closes wi
I am a frequent user of Barrier-kvm. I recently upgraded my server to Ubuntu 20.04 and started getting error "ERROR: ssl certificate doesn't exist: /home/rsvay
Looks like I have broken my python installation when I wanted to switch to python 3.8. Using Ubuntu 18.04. Trying to use the gi, gives the following error: $ p