I saw this crash over firebase and it is not reporducible in the emulator of same OS. Not sure what is causing it. Crash is occuring in samsung M32 OS 11. The c
I have an app on the PlayStore and I am building a feature where the user will not see ads more than a specific number in one day. I am thinking about comparing
Context In Jetpack compose, we have the option of using rememberCoroutineScope() as well as using the LaunchedEffect composable in order to use coroutines / run
My app compiles, but after looking into a few related questions like (Module Error "Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary versi
I'm trying to assign a negative value to the padding modifier but the app had crashed. Have a look at my code. Thanks if you can help or give me an alternative
I dont see Toast Messages. I want to show a toast messagges when click userAddFavoriteButton.. @BindingAdapter("addFavorite") fun bindAddFavorite(userAddFavorit
I am trying to write tests for my Repository which provides access to my Room database. For this, I wrote a Mock Database and a mock DAO: My Database: abstract
So my question is as I am getting started with Hilt, do we need to mark all activities with @AndroidEntryPoint annotation or can we just create a BaseActivity a
I try to send values of my data from one fragment which is contains Instruments to HolderList which is contain Holder data for comparing values in ArrayList of
Spring Boot Version: 2.5.1, Spring Cloud Version: 2020.0.3 Hello guys !!! I need your help ... My question is that I can't modify the request body in spring gat
When i select audio morethen 30sec or 1min then its show below error --> Sync input too long. For audio longer than 1 min use LongRunningRecognize with a 'ur
Hey I'm pretty new to Kotlin and am trying my hand at a GUI as my first small project. For this I am using Jetpack Compose Desktop. I have already written a fir
I suddenly have the mention 'NBSP' in my strings.xml files, just before special characters (!, ?, ....) These 'NBSP' do not appear in my app when I run it. Als
I am writing an Android test app to see how to handle QR codes. This is the code for the main activity (MainActivity.kt) and a question is following. package me
I have seen some tutorials that recommend using val instead of var in Kotlin. I beleive val is like constant in Java right? Then how can we ch
I apologize in advance if the question seems incomprehensible, since android development and kotlin are not my main stack. I will try to explain in as clear a l
I am using MutableStateFlow. My flow type is sealed class with different states (Loading, Success, Error, etc). Initial value of my flow is empty: private val _
package com.example.myapplication import android.app.Activity import android.content.Context import android.os.* import android.util.Log import android.vie
Source: here With the following segment of code all my Android devices record with a maximum width of 960 rather than the device width. val metrics = resour
When we have a coroutine scope, when it is canceled, can it be used again? e.g. for the below, when I have scope.cancel, the scope.launch no longer work @Te