Category "ui-testing"

Squish Date Time Scroll Bar Test

How can I scroll till specific object visible in Squish Tests (QT application)? The scroll bar has date (Month, Day and Year) to pick. Please provide any sugges

What's the difference between a UI test and an E2E Test? And What's the benefits of each?

Our team is considering starting testing based on user scenarios. So, we are picking a E2E framework. Searching for UI test lead to the following: So, I found

Cannot access button in nib file (UI Testing iOS)

I am writing a UITest case for my view. The problem is I cannot access the button in my nib file view. I gave the accessibility identifier to the button as well

How to test interactions with menu when testing fragments with FragmentScenario

I'm trying to test a fragment using FragmentScenario. This fragment has its own menu. There is an add icon on the action bar and clicking on this menu item laun