Category "uikeycommand"

Cmd+B in UIKeyComands not displaying first typed "b" afetr using the command - swift

I'm using UIKeyCommands - Cmd+B to bold text. The code works fine to bold the text. But after i use the Cmd+B and when I type "b" the first time it doesn't disp

Cmd+B in UIKeyComands not displaying first typed "b" afetr using the command - swift

I'm using UIKeyCommands - Cmd+B to bold text. The code works fine to bold the text. But after i use the Cmd+B and when I type "b" the first time it doesn't disp

SwiftUI iOS - how to capture hardware key events

I’m new to iOS development. Following a tutorial I have created a simple calculator using SwiftUI. I have a keyboard attached to my iPad, and I would lik