Category "unzip"

Unzipping error - Unexpected end - Using ZipArchive

I got the following Code: Dim ms = New MemoryStream() CustomReportVorlage.ExportToPdf(ms) Dim bt2 = ms.ToArray() Dim outStream = New MemoryStream()

Extract a single file from a ZIP archive

I'm using the next code to download some zip archive: $client = new-object System.Net.WebClient $client.DownloadFile("

How to allow extraction of all files even the ones with same name?

I'm struggling with unzip process with this code: I have two separated .zip files and each has the same file name and file type, but when I execute this code on

unzip operation taking several hours

I am using the following shell script to loop over 90 zip files & unarchive them on a Linux box hosted with Hostinger (Shared web hosting) #!/bin/bash SOUR

Python zipfile try except not passing over "zlib.error: Error -3 while decompressing data: invalid distance too far back"

I am working on a python script to unzip a folder of nested zip files. In general, it seems to be working, but when it comes to one of the files I always receiv

How to extract multiple 7z file using Python?

I would like to extract multiple .7z files using Python. I've tried this, but it only extracted one file. I already put in a loop. Below is what I've tried. imp

R: unzipping large compressed .csv yields "zip file is corrupt" warning

I am downloading a 78MB zip file from the UN FAO, which contains a 2.66GB csv. I am able to unzip the the downloaded file from a folder using winzip, but have b

How can I unzip very large zip file (>6gb) in Google Colab notebook?

I am unable to unzip a file downloaded into current directory due to the error: zipfiles that span multiple disks are not supported How can I solve this prob

Read multiple files zip file with multiple sub directories

I have a zip file with the structure like: Root Folder: package Folder: Inside : Root Folder: _ Folder: var Folder: run Fold

How to check file size before opening?

How can I check the size of a file before I load it into R? For example: I'd like to use the optimal command to o

Zipfile in Python file permission

i used zipfile lib to extract file from zip and now after unzip the directory i found the permission of my file has been corrupted , import zipfile fh = open('

ZipFile.testzip() returning different results on Python 2 and Python 3

Using the zipfile module to unzip a large data file in Python works correctly on Python 2 but produces the following error on Python 3.6.0: BadZipFile: Bad CRC