Category "urllib3"

How is data scraping based on location in Amazon?

Whenever I want to scraping on, I fail. Because Product information changes according to location in This changing information is as follo

TypeError about needing 'bytes' not 'str' in Python

I'm attempting to use the Backblaze B2 API to eventually iterate through some .ai files I have there, but the code that Backblaze provides in their documentatio

how to get data in json using urllib3 in python

I am making simple ip-info provider using python-urllib3, how should i fetch data to values import json import urllib3 while True: ip=input("Enter Ip Addr

Converting a CURL into python script

I am trying to convert a Curl POST request into a python script, and i am not getting the desired output, please let me know what i am doing wrong here. CURL r

Reenable urllib3 warnings

I have a portion of my code where I knowingly make an Insecure Request. So I disable warnings with urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequest

counting words inside a webpage

I need to count words that are inside a webpage using python3. Which module should I use? urllib? Here is my Code: def web(): f =("urllib.request.urlopen(