Category "ursina"

How do I put gravity on a character in ursina engine?

(Python Ursina Engine) How can I add gravity on ursina engine?? Here is the code that I'm using:

how do I make a sphere rotate around another sphere in ursina, python

from ursina import * # update sphere_2 rotation def update(): line.rotation_y += 1 sphere_2.rotation_y += 1 app = Ursina() sphere_1 = Entity(model = '

Ursina models scale

I'm building a game in ursina and for some Entity's I use my own texture images models-> I did try all models type offered by the framework (ex: quad,cube et

Is there any way to delete a button after I press it

Is there any way that I can delete the b_render var when the b_logic function is activated? I have been trying different solutions for about an hour and nothing