Category "user-controls"

Error Unabled to add User controls to a form

I get these two error messages, when trying to add a User Control to a Form. Worked fine for long, no problems. Now the Design won't show the already added User

How to load user control to a panel by button click in C#

I wanted to load a user control to a panel with a button, but when I tried this code it shows nothing. I wonder if there is a solution for my problem because I'

Focus a child Control of a User Control when a combination of keys is pressed

I have a Form that contains a Panel where I placed a UserControl. I want that when the Ctrl+F Keys combination is pressed, a TextBox Control, child of my UserCo

Override TextChanged event for a custom control not working

I tried this code in my custom user control in a C# Windows application: public partial class HtextBox : DevExpress.XtraEditors.TextEdit { protected overri

detect events on powerpoint shapes from C#

is it possible to detect the events which happen on a powerpoint shape like, let say, an arrow??? Until now, I've found the only possibilities are selectedite

detect events on powerpoint shapes from C#

is it possible to detect the events which happen on a powerpoint shape like, let say, an arrow??? Until now, I've found the only possibilities are selectedite