Category "user-interface"

How to dynamically change font size in UI to always be the same width in JavaFX?

What I am trying to do is create a label in fxml, using Scenebuilder, which updates its font size to always ensure that the content of the label is the same siz

Airflow UI: hide 'Task Instance Details', section 'Task Attributes', attribute 'env'

I would like to hide the field in Airflow UI: "Task Instance Details" -> Section "Task Attributes" -> Attribute "Env". I have some credentials stored in t

Adding a Image Button Class

I have a PyQT layout built with QWidget. I have a few labels, buttons, etc and now I want to add a image that changes color on click. For this, I have built a c

Python tkinter treeview making 2 columns

from Tkinter import Tk, Button import ttk root = Tk() tree = ttk.Treeview(root) tree["columns"]=("one") tree.column("one" ) # tree.column("two", width=100)

PyQt GUI size on high resolution screens

I posted a question a while ago asking about Tkinter backends and subsequently forgot about it but I've since realised that I'm using the pyqt backend. Is there

Open JFrame from JDialog and it shows on top of JDialog

This is the scenario, My JFrame has a button it will open a JDialog when click it and it is a model dialog. JDialog has another button and i want to open anoth

How do I safely modify JavaFX GUI nodes from my own Thread?

I try to change a JavaFX GUI node in a thread, but I see the following error: Exception in thread "Thread-8" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not on FX ap

Rust egui window size and dark mode

I'm tring to make a native gui app using egui. After some time got the hello_world example to compile.Heres the code: use eframe::{epi, egui}; struct MyEguiApp

Visual Studio Code move or dock the 'Outline panel' to the right side of the Editor

How to move/dock the "Outline" Panel to the right of the editor 1. So we can have more "vertical" space in the left for the explorer...<br> 2. and also mo

Suspending threads while running multiple AsyncTasks in nested fragments and it makes app slow

Here I'm calling web services in nested Fragments which has TabLayout and ViewPager using AsyncTask. I've tried AsyncTasks by calling them all in onResume metho

QT QTest::keyclick or mouseMove seems don't work with QMenu in my case

I have a simple flow Click on QPushButton QMenu with a couple of actions appears Navigate through the QMenu using key clicks or mouse move. (Triggering actions

Is there a way to hide some of the columns value from charts in Superset

I have a requirement in which some of the columns value need to be hide from chart for the security reasons, For eg. there are 4 columns (A, B, C, D) which i ha

How to Lock Android App's Orientation to Portrait in Phones and Landscape in Tablets?

I am developing an Android app whose orientation I don't want changed to landscape mode when the user rotates the device. Also, I want the locked orientation to

Unity3D: Detect if mouse has clicked on a UI element?

This is a pretty simple question, but it seems something has changed on Unity in the last versions answers I've found on the internet are no longer valid, so he

How to change on_press "animation" of Tkinter button in python

i have a taskbar-like Frame, which contains custom Buttons with images. But everytime i click on this button, Tkinter displaced the button 1px to the right/butt

How do I make my own window frame in egui (eframe) Rust

Here is how I start my app and remove the window frame: let app = RustClicker::default(); let mut native_options = eframe::NativeOptions::default();

Microsoft UI Automation/Get The Item That The User Clicks

I am trying to figure out what item (for example document, web page tab, window, picture, folder) the user has clicked on. I started by using the following code

In Unity, how to detect if window is being resized and if window has stopped resizing

I wanted my UI to not resize when user is still resizing the game (holding click in the window border) and only when the user has released the mouse the resize

Why is the Tkinter render quality much worse on windows?

I have developed a python app with Tkinter on a Mac. It involves forms, and canvas drawings. On the Mac, it looks great. However on my Dell laptop (4K display,

How is the UI of terminal texteditors implemented?

Terminal texteditors like emacs,vim,joe or even nano have the ability to display arbitrary UI elements inside a command line without completely rewriting the wh