Category "valueerror"

ValueError with pandas apply function returning output of variable shape

I have a pandas dataframe with three columns structured like this: Sample Start End <string> <int> <int> The values in "Start" and "End

ValueError: Incompatible indexer with Series while adding date to Date to Data Frame

I am new to python and I can't figure out why I get this error: ValueError: Incompatible indexer with Series. I am trying to add a date to my data frame. The da

ValueError: time data '02/03/2022' does not match format '%d/%m/%y '

How to return values only within a specific date range? I am new to python My code is: for report_date in REPORT_DATE_TYPES:

Simultaneously melt multiple columns in Python Pandas

wondering if pd.melt supports melting multiple columns. I have the below examples trying to have the value_vars as list of lists but i am getting an error: Val

How to loop through directories and clean files?

I am trying to loop through directories. My goal is to open the directory ff for modifications in the files. When I try open (ff, 'r') it does not work. Further