Category "vba"

Export to PDF and Prompt User for Folder Path and File Name to Save

I can't figure out how to prompt the user for a folder path and the save name. Below is the code I have gotten to work. Sub PrintToPDF ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sh

Shortest Flow Layout Solver

I have a routing sequence for a set of machines on an assembly line. Each route has to go through the entire line (that is, if you only run the first and second

VBA "Error 1004: unable to get the PivotFields property of the PivotTable class "

I made a PQ append query, send reults to Data Model and then uploaded the pivot table to the excel sheet. Now I'm trying to apply filter based on the cell value

Runtime error 1004 Application defined or object defined error

I am getting a Runtime error 1004 and when I debug it, it takes me to this sub, this sub works fine in another sheet, I don't know whats wrong, can anyone help?

method run object iwshshell3 failed vba

I am trying to automate file upload on chrome, getting error here :method run object iwshshell3 failed" please help: Dim Customer_rates As String Dim WshShell

Add toolbar to sheet

I'm trying to add a toolbar control on a sheet. I get this error. It does add the toolbar, but that error is not skippable with On Error Resume Next, so it stop

Get primary SMTP mail from department in Outlook addressbook

I achieved resolving Names with this code from an example: Function MailSuchen(strSuchen As String) Dim objEmpfaenger As Outlook.Recipient Dim objExchBe

How to choose the signature automaticaly?

I have several signatures in html format. I need to choose one of the signatures according to the domain included in To: and CC: label. The code below merges t

How to copy the sheet name to a column on the same sheet?

I am using this code: Function wrksht() as Variant wrksht = Application.Caller.Parent.Name End function I am continuously being thrown run time error '424' ob

Declare a 0-Length String Array in VBA - Impossible?

Is it really not possible to declare a 0-length array in VBA? If I try this: Dim lStringArr(-1) As String I get a compile error saying range has no values. I

DASL query to restrict tp emails which have recipients outside our organization

I would like to restrict emails which have recipients outside our organization using my domain. Is there a way to restrict emails using NOT LIKE condition? I am

Weird characters in email body

I have a little problem with VBScript. There is how it should work. It is a simply code that should go through all emails in particular folder, get particular e

MS Outlook 2016 - Macro VBA search by conversation not all flagged as done

Is there a way to create a search folder in Outlook, that returns only conversations where not all emails in the thread/conversation have been flagged as comple

.SentOnBehalfOf and .SendUsingAccount on forward

I go into a shared inbox and forward an email as myself, to my boss, using HTML formatting. I wrote VBA code that works on every step except changing the From l

Find all email addresses corresponding to an ambiguous name

User has a column with names (or name, surname) to send email. When there are several with the same name and surname the macro is selecting the first matching.

Dynamically setting of cells' NumberFormat in VBA excel when the uncertainty calculation in consideration [closed]

I need dynamically set via VBA NumberFormat to imported txt file values, as just below : Imported values number type is "General" so I want to

If two range criteria are met, copy a third cell and paste it to another sheet

I have a sheet called "Scores" where I have Column D and J with values from 1-9 in both columns. In this same sheet I have a Column A with the corresponding nam

How to reference a Subfolder of Archive?

I'm using Outlook 365 - Microsoft Exchange(owa). I have written a script that looks for emails in my Outlook Inbox with any subject line containing "PHI Attriti

Issue regarding deleting paragraphs

I refer to a code from : However, I can only delete the h

Deleting mails from shared mailbox, one at a time, is very slow

I have a macro in Excel to delete mails older than 30 days from folders and subfolders in a shared mailbox. I have a sub for looping through each subfolder and