Category "version-control"

How to "time travel" git repository back in revisions?

Is it possible to completely revert git repository to previous X revision on bitbucket so that it doesn't keep any changes after that X revision and doesn't con

How to debug Syncing lock on pushing the current branch to Visual Studio Team Services

Last night I committed to local repo just fine but then when pushing up to Visual Studio Team Services (previously Team Foundation Service, not Server), the com

Undo IntelliJ Smart Checkout

IntelliJ has a feature that's very cool in theory, called Smart Checkout. This feature kicks in when you're changing branches and you have files in the current

Git: How to make outer repository and embedded repository work as common/standalone repository?

I have a big project(let's say A repo), and it there one child folder which is come from B repo. I would meet warning like below when I commit from A repo war

git reset asks 'more?'

Git windows command line, version 1.8.0 I have 3 commits so far and when I type git reset --soft HEAD^ new line comes up with More? and flashing cursor f

Git in PHPstorm: Unstage files from Git (remove uncommited files from stage)

In PHPStorm's Git interface it's easy to stage files and folders, with the "+Add" option in the "Git >" submenu of the right click context menu. But, how do

How to handle folder of git submodule which is marked as "untracked" in the host repo?

I've got a code base in which I want to add another repo as a submodule to do some integration testing. So following a tutorial I ran git submodule add -b maste

How can I push a local Git branch to a remote with a different name easily?

I've been wondering if there's an easy way to push and pull a local branch with a remote branch with a different name without always specifying both names. For

What does "replacing" mean in Tortoise SVN changelog?

Once in a while I see that a file is listed in a commit in Tortose SVN changelog and the "action" column reads "replacing". What does that mean? How is that di

Visual Studio 2022 source control not showing changes

Visual Studio 2022 not showing any change of file in git changes window, although there are some files updates are available. Whereas GIT GUI is showing all the

PLC Version Control

I need to come up with a CM process for PLC code. Currently, the system is developed using RSLogix 5000. The build product is a monolithic file that can be loa

Differences between git pull origin master & git pull origin/master

What is the difference between git pull origin master and git pull origin/master ?

Nuget - store packages in source control, or not?

We currently don't use nuget for our dependencies, preferring to go old-skool way and stick them all in a libs folder and reference from there. I know. So 1990'