Category "version-control"

Database-style migrations for OS files

I'll admit this is an odd question as I'm writing, but I'm curious if such a solution exists or not. Basically, I want to run database-style migrations on files

Is version control possible in AWS Glue ETL jobs?

I am fairly new to AWS Glue. I have tried creating some jobs and it works fine, now i want to take it a step further. Say we have other developers working and n

How to update a Github cloned repository?

I have created a repository on Github, and the cloned from my local machine and also push some code. I cloned that repository from a virtual online machine with

Git Diff at method level

I am looking at getting information on all the methods/function Added , Deleted and Modified between any two commits Notes - Code Base is in Java and on Github

Git how to revert staged /unstaged modified file

In Git(2.16). Suppose, I modified a single file and did not stage yet I would like to revert the file back to original? Also, how can I accomplish this on a sta

Storing secrets and credentials securely in GitLab

I am wondering if it's possible to store credentials like passwords, tokens and keys safely in my GitLab project. Currently there are a bunch of Java files wit

does git pull atomically write files

I can't find anything in the documentation. If I do a git pull, am I guaranteed that the underlying file, resulting of the merge, is atomically written? Some m

Git always ask for username and password in ubuntu

I recently shifted from windows to ubuntu. I'm working on company's repo as collaborator and I do have all permissions. Git was working fine on my windows machi

how to apply same stash to different branches in git?

I have four branches lets say A B C D. I worked on branch B for some function and created stash. This feature I also want in branch A and D . Is there any wa

Trunk-based development release & hotfix questions

I'm having trouble to understand how to deal with the following scenario: Feature A is committed to master as commit A. We are ready for release v1.0.0 so we t

cloning a bitbucket project in AndroidStudio

I try to clone a project from Bitbucket into Android Studio. The project was originally published from Eclipse. But I get the error: Clone failed. Failed

Different node package versions in different branches of app in package.json?

The scenario: We have several similar but customized Node applications, all of which include our own common library/package which we include as a dependency in

Is there any way to change displayed username on fossil scm timeline

Some users were created with the wrong name and these users have been using the fossil for a long time. Is there any way to modify just the name that is display

git pull multiple repositories

I have a question regrading intertwined repositories. I have a repo, lets call it common_repo. common_repo holds code which is relevant to most of my other re

remote: Unauthorized fatal: Authentication failed Bitbucket

Ok, so Here's the scenario, I had user1 logged in to my terminal for bitbucket account. I had logged in like $ git config --global "user1" $ git c

How Do I set a Teamcity Trigger on a Particular Folder for Git VCS trigger

I would like Teamcity to Trigger a build when there is a gerrit change on a specific branch on a specific folder. I'm unable to achieve the same, any suggestion

Perforce - How to remove a file from a shelved changelist?

I had added a bunch of new files into a new changelist using p4 add command. I shelved the changelist for review purpose (swarm server picks the changes from sh

Git tab missing in RStudio after git installed on Windows

Installed R, R Studio, Git but when I opened R Studio, there was no Git tab, like the screenshot below: Windows 8.1, x64 R version: 3.5.1 R Studio version: 1.

How to change the owner of a PR on GitHub / How to commandeer an open GitHub PR

I find this missing feature in GitHub to be frustrating, so I'm documenting my work-around here to help the next person. Alternate, better work-arounds are welc

Is there a way to sort Source Control Providers in VS Code?

I work with multiple Git repositories at once (30+ sometimes) in VS Code. Currently it's very difficult to visually find a specific repo in the Source Control