Category "video-streaming"

OpenCV real time streaming video capture is slow. How to drop frames or get synced with real time?

Goal and problem I'd like to set up an opencv system to process either HLS streams or RMTP streams, however, I am running into a strange issue regarding a redu

Video Streaming from IP Camera in Python Using OpenCV cv2.VideoCapture

I am trying to get video stream in python from IP camera but i am getting an error. I am Using Pycharm IDE. import cv2 scheme = '' host = schem

After deployment Cv2 can not access the webcam

I need help.   I was building facial recognition using Flask. In the local browser, it was working fine but after deployed into AWS EC2 instance Ubuntu ser

Unable to verify checksum for avformat-58.dll

The following is a crash dump produced by my video streaming application written in .NET Core 3.1 with Windows Forms 32-bit. I'm trying to workout how to best i

How to create a video stream from a single dynamic image in PHP

I have a single image file on my server which its content changes every 100 ms. I can load and serve this image as usual: $image = file_get_contents('path/to/im

Playing a IPTV live tv stream with VideoJS or similar

I'm trying to play live tv channel with videojs. I've tried various ways but always get "No compatible source was found for this media." error. Other videos are