Category "vim"

Easiest way to test vim regex?

I'm trying to write a vim syntax file, one problem I'm dealing with is vim's regex syntax is different from most other languages(I think the one called "perl co

How to stage all modified and new files with vim-fugitive

I know that you can use GWrite to stage current file. You can also use GStatus and - to stage the file you are selecting. Is there a way to GWrite all the file

How to correctly install YouCompleteMe on mac?

I have the following line in ~/.vimrc Plugin 'valloric/youcompleteme' Running PluginInstall successfully installed the plugin. Then I ran python3

Uninstalled MacVim, now can't use regular Vim?

I got a new machine at work. The previous developer had macvim installed. When typing 'vim' in the terminal, the macvim program would open. I uninstalled macvim

wrapping sections with HTML tags in vim

I want to be able to quickly wrap entire sections of my HTML with other tags. I run into this a lot when I realize I need an outer div around my other divs, lik

Vim: How to open new vertical split for file under cursor

I know gf opens the file under cursor, and CTRL-w f opens the file under cursor in a new split window. I'm probably being greedy but, how do you open it in a ne

Vim: How to open new vertical split for file under cursor

I know gf opens the file under cursor, and CTRL-w f opens the file under cursor in a new split window. I'm probably being greedy but, how do you open it in a ne

Pipe a vim command after a shell command

I'm trying to make a key mapping in vim that (a) saves current file (b) performs a git action, using shell (c) quits current vim editor. I've tried the followi

How do I get Vimwiki links to display as underlined instead of default brackets [[]]?

When looking at a the Vimwiki docs, I see this image which shows a Vimwiki link as underlined. But when I make a link using [[linktosomething]], it shows up

Resize window in vim with a keyboard map

I am trying to set the + and _ keys to increase or decrease the size of a window pane in vim. Here is what I have so far in my .vimrc: nnoremap + :res +5 nno

How to close the location list after opening an entry from it in Vim?

Is there a way to automatically close the current location list in Vim when the user selects an entry from it, i.e., navigates to a listed location? The scenari

Vim incremental search

I'm using putty on a Linux machine. My usual method for searching in vi is entering the slash /, then my search string, enter, then go through all the matches b

How to search in the Vim mapping listing?

Using :map provides a list of all mappings in Vim. But, I am unable to search through the list. I am surprised to see it being opened in a different type of win

How do I type CTRL + ] on a QWERTZ keyboard (in order to jump to a tag with Vim)?

In Vim, the usual way to jump to the definition of the keyword under the cursor is to type CTRL-] (as claimed by :he CTRL-\]). But when you have a QWERTZ keybo

Automatic closing brackets for Vim [closed]

Is there any WORKING plugin for Vim 7.4 that would automatically close brackets ('{}', '[]', '()') and maybe insert some carriage returns (for

Automatic closing brackets for Vim [closed]

Is there any WORKING plugin for Vim 7.4 that would automatically close brackets ('{}', '[]', '()') and maybe insert some carriage returns (for

Vim sign column toggle

When signs are defined in Vim, a column appears at the left of the screen. From the Vim help: When signs are defined for a file, Vim will automatically add

Why does Vim on windows use \n for searching?

So I was changing code from foo() { to foo() { and I noticed that the searching pattern required me to search for \n, but when I tried to replace it with

Not reading ~/.vimrc

I have a ~/.vimrc file that vim doesn't seem to be reading. There is a file at /etc/vimrc, and it looks like it is using that one. My understanding is that the

Vim: can global marks switch tabs instead of the file in the current tab?

I'm in the process of learning vim, and i just learned about marks. Before this i found it useful to have all the source code files i'm working on in their own