Category "visual-studio-2010"

How to deal with SQL server error: The database cannot be opened because it is version 904. This server supports version 852 and earlier [closed]

While connecting to SQL Server database by attaching to an MDF file, the following error is returned: The database cannot be opened because it

How to make the ball animate like its rolling And also the kicker how to animate the soccer player and how to sync them so it looks like he is kicking

THE PROGRAM HAS 3 FORMS FORM 1 CODE Public Class Form1 Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Lo

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Opening Error

I installed SQL Server Management Studio and it worked fine. After that I updated my Visual Studio from 2010 to 2013 Express edition, now it is not working with

Visual Studio: How to tell exe where to look for dll's?

I have a .lib included in my project (Linker->Input->Additional Dependencies) that makes my .exe build require a corresponding .dll to be provided with th

How to open field explorer in visual studio

I am working on Crystal Reports in VS 2010. I unexpectedly closed Field Explorer from left side of Visual Studio and now I don't know how to open it again. I se

Accidentally deleted System.Core Reference

I have accidentally deleted the System.Core reference from the References tab on the application settings and I want to know how I can add it again. You may th

error LNK2038: mismatch detected for '_MSC_VER': value '1600' doesn't match value '1700' in CppFile1.obj

I was converting my projects from VS2010 to VS2012.But I am getting an _MSC_VER linker error in certain projects. After a long surfing through google I found ou

Why does MSBuild ignore my BeforePublish target?

I must be missing something obvious here, but I have this at the end of my ASP.NET MVC web project's .csproj file: [...] <Target Name="BeforePublish

Download all .net PDB's to my computer?

In order to use source stepp debugging : And to use navigation to sources , in Resharper : –I must have the PDB's. But VS downloads every time a

Ctrl+k, Ctrl+d not available in Visual Studio 2010 working on C++ project

I got used to use Ctrl+k, Ctrl+d for formatting whole document while in Visual Studio 2010 C# but when I changed C++ I realise that it's no longer available.

Unable to debug VSIX project

I'm trying to develop my first visual studio extensions project, I have VS10 SDK installed and was able to create a new project and can build it fine, however w

Receiving access denied error from Visual Studio when trying to change target framework

The error reads, TargetFrameworkMoniker: An error occurred saving the project file 'yadayada.csproj'. Access is denied. I'm trying to switch from .net 3

Script to Download xls files embeded in a .msg file

There are 1000s of .MSG files on my d drive and each containe an XLS file,as attachemnt. Is there any way to download these xls files from these .msg file usin

Greek VAT validation number code

Is there anybody which can assist me with a code in VB.NET visual studio 2010 for validating Greek TAX Registration number (VAT).

Silverlight unit testing integration in VS 2010?

I'm currently using the Silverlight Unit Test Framework, but I'd prefer to run tests directly in VS2010. I'm curious to know what approaches and tools everyone

Does Intellisense work with objects extended with Ext.extend?

I can't get get Intellisense to display any methods other than Object methods when I inherit through Ext.extend(). Is it possible for Intellisense to display t

Unable to connect to any of the specified mysql hosts. C# MySQL

I am getting the above error when I execute the code - MySqlConnection mysqlConn=new MySqlConnection("server=;uid=pankaj;port=3306;pwd=master;database

MySQL connector 6.3.5 with .NET 3.5

I am developing a project in Visual Studio 2010 on a 64-bit Windows 7 machine. I have been able to successfully connect to a local MySQL database without any is

Copy object values in Visual Studio debug mode

In Visual Studio debug mode it's possible to hover over variables to show their value and then right-click to "Copy", "Copy Expression" or "Copy Value". In cas