Category "visual-studio-2017"

Nuget Package Source is not prompting for credentials

I've added a NuGet Source. It needs credentials but when I'm installing a package using install-package packageName nothing happens. I tried the same steps on

How can I refresh the list of remote branches in my Visual Studio 2017 Team Explorer panel?

How can I refresh the list of remote branches in my Visual Studio Team Explorer panel? In the Visual Studio 2017 Team Explorer, Branches panel, I could see the

VSTest Task running v1 when v2 expected, vstestLocation ignored

I'm trying to use Azure Pipelines to build a class library. My azure-pipelines.yml looks like this: variables: solution: 'MySolution.sln' buildPlatform: '

Unwanted *.js and * files are being generated from .ts in some areas of project

I am developing an angular cli v6 project in visual studio 2017 and noticing that unwanted .js and`files are being generated for some of my typescript f

Visual Studio Crashes When Adding a DataSet to a Report, Could not load file or assembly

When adding a Dataset to an .rdlc report using the Report Designer, Visual Studio crashes. VS leaves a failure.txt file with this error: System.IO.FileNotFoundE

Visual Studio showing false errors

I was working on a project, and I usually before doing anything I create new branches. In my feature branch, Visual Studio wasn't showing any errors. It was do

Is it able to ignore/disable the first step Get source in vNext Build?

Here is our situation-- sometimes we need to run a vNext build without needing to pull any source code from TFS server. But we don't want to change the worksp

How avoid new instance of Visual Studio when hit debugger statement in javascript

When running an web site in Visual Studio 2017 on my local host, using IE 11, and debugging javascript, Visual Studio has a very convenient feature wher

Need to retrieve images (Varbinary MAX) from SQL Server 2014 to Xamarin by using C#

I am new to the Xamarin platform, I have a local hosted database in SQL Server 2014 using php (with aid of XAMP server) and the table name ItemProductsDB and sa

Can't install DotNetNuke (DNN) Development Project Templates on Visual Studio 2017

I'm trying to create a DNN project in my Visual Studio 2017 (version 15.9.19), like described in

How to solve the error "Must use PackageReference"?

After adding WindowsRuntime to a WinForms-project, building the project fails with Error "Must use PackageReference". The build log is more precise: C:[...]\Vi

Why does my extension's menu item not appear?

I am building my first VS extension, to allow users to encrypt/decrypt the mailSettings/smtp section of web.config. I wish to add a menu item that has 2 sub-i

Visual Studio - suddenly cannot debug tests

I'm not sure what I did, but all of a sudden, my Visual Studio 2012 will not debug any tests. If I select a test from the Test Explorer and tell it to run, it