Category "visual-studio-2019"

How to build a visual studio 2019 project in vs 2022 without upgrading

Attempting to build a vs 2019 project in vs 2022 gives the following error: Error MSB8020 The build tools for Visual Studio 2019 (Platform Toolset = 'v142') c

I can't create a report with an object datasource in Visual studio 2019

I am trying to create a simple report in my vs2019 with a class as the data model I have a public class named 'persona' I have a new wpf applicacion (.net 5) I'

How to use JetbrainsMono font in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019

is there any way I can install Jetbrains Monospace font in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019? Because Visual studio doesn't show the font in the list if available fo

Visual Studio 2019 Exception at Run (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070490)

I face an error when I run VS2019 (Professional). After loading the solution a message appears at the top of the window and it says Visual Studio ran into an un

libtorch throws c10::error after build on Windows 10 (VS2019)

I've tried to build libtorch on Windows 10 using VS 2019 without CUDA and Python. Independent if I compile it with or without MKL, a simple test program crashes