Category "visual-studio-2019"

visual studio 2019 cant exclude folder from build in .csproj

I am trying to exclude an entire folder from being build in my vscode project, I have edited my project file to look like this: <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.S

I cannot change the Target Framework from .NET 5.0 to .NET 4.8 for a C# .NET Framework Class Library in Visual Studio 2019

I am trying to build a .NET 4.8 Class Library that I can make COM-Visible as a support library from an Access application. There are no prompts for the version

Visual Studio Nuget packages

Am trying to get nuget packages into my visual studio project. NuGet Package manager is not package source of ''... just show Ms VS offline packages.

"project could not be loaded" in Visual Studio 2019

I have a solution file, solution1, which has two projects One is Azure webapp and one is web service. When I'm opening the solution, the webapp is loading prope

Failed to compute cache key: ".csproj" not found

I am new to Docker. I created a Web API using ASP.Net Core using Visual Studio 2019 as well as in VS Code. It works fine. Then I added docker support and added

vs2019 - Xamarin: loses path settings of "Java Development Kit Location"

I do a very simple thing. I go to Tools -> Options -> Xamarin> Android Settings and I change the "Java Development Kit Location" path. I press ok. I co

GenerateFeatureFileCodeBehindTask task failed unexpectedly

when I try to build I am getting this error. I am using VS studio 2019, and Specflow 3.9.69 Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error

devenv.exe exits instead of build (Visual Studio Community 2019)

Scenario: Open Visual Studio 2019 Developer Command Prompt v16.3.5 cd c:\some_solution devenv.exe libogg.sln /Build devenv.exe immediately exits instead of bui

Error :StreamJsonRpc.ConnectionLostException: The JSON-RPC connection with the remote party was lost before the request could complete

My unit tests disappear from TestExplorer of visual Studio 2019 16.3.5 The output from test engine is: [16/10/2019 6:45:48.705 Error] StreamJsonRpc.Connectio

"Permission denied" error from Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio (but not Git Bash)

With a new work laptop running Windows 10, I have installed git, Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio 2019. After making some test changes to code in from my pe

Visual Studio Decompiled Source Definitions from Object Browser

In Visual Studio 2019, there is a new feature powered by ILSpy to view decompiled source definitions(C#). It's documented here. This is a great feature and when

C++ friend template function: Function definition not found

While trying to wrap my head around C++ templates I have run into a compiler warning I do not understand. In below vec.h Visual Studio 2019 will put a green squ

Why is web.config getting created on publish not on build the project in Asp.Net Core API?

I have Core 3.1 API project. When I build it doesn't create any web.config file, but when I publish the API using VS 2019 in a folder, it creates a web.

Unable to install Intel HAXM for Android Studio

Intel HAXM is a prerequisite for compiling Android Studio code. When I try to install it through the SDK manager, it downloads fine, but while installing, says:

Pie Chart is not viewing in the HTML reports after converting from .trx with tool TRXER

I have converted the .trx file to HTML reports but pie chart is not showing on html reports. I have Chrome 79+ version. I created html reports after using this

why is my code not giving me a correct value?

I am doing a memory game (you choose 2 cards, if they are the same, you gain a point), and after finishing my 1v1 version, I wanted to make a bot that I can pla

Compilation error C2048 while compiling in visual studio 2019 MSVC, but works fine with clang++?

I tried to compile the following sample code with clang compiler and it works fine. Compiler Details: Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.28) Target: x

Export C# Project as .EXE file

I have a C# project in Visual Studio 2019 that I wish to export as a .EXE file. I have already run it in 'Release' Mode, but no .exe turns up in the 'bin' folde

Show compiler command line of CMake with Visual Studio 2019

I am using open folder functionality of VS2019, and I would like to see flags being used to compile my code. Compilation database does not seem to be generated

How do I use Visual Studio 2019 to remotely debug a .NetCore application on a Hyper-V Linux VM?

I am attempting to remotely debug a .NetCore application in Ubuntu Linux from Visual Studio 2019 in Windows 10. I can see the remote ipaddress (ping thru comman