Category "visual-studio"

NuGet Unable to load the service index for source Authentication failed

Since today for some reason I'm unable to connect to the NuGet package manager through Visual Studio. [] Unable to load the service index for source ht

How do I force Visual Studio 2019 to generate a .deploy file for an icon for ClickOnce deployment/install

I'm running into a problem publishing/installing a ClickOnce application being built in C# in Visual Studio 2019. The application is being built using .NET Cor

visual studio 2019 cant exclude folder from build in .csproj

I am trying to exclude an entire folder from being build in my vscode project, I have edited my project file to look like this: <Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.S

Naive reverse string iteration infinite loop and/or assertion failure C++ / Visual Studio 2022

I am trying to reverse iterate through a string, but am getting assertion failure for the [] operator in the latest VS. int foo() { std::string s = "s";

How can i start the same process two times, but only with one uac?

Following problem: I want to start the cmd as administrator in C# with a process to get the UAC befor the code: var process = new Process(); var ps= new Process

Visual Studio 2022 - Lots of errors in TypeScript Angular Project

Yesterday I created a new Standalone TypeScript Angular Project in Visual Studio 2022. After a couple of minutes playing around with it, I already got a bunch o

How can I view the .edmx diagram on visual studio for Mac?

I want to view the edmx diagram like below an example of how it is viewed on windows visual studio I have tried looking at Microsofts documentations regarding

How can I view the .edmx diagram on visual studio for Mac?

I want to view the edmx diagram like below an example of how it is viewed on windows visual studio I have tried looking at Microsofts documentations regarding

Unity CS1001: Identifier expected but all syntax is right?

using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class QuizManager : MonoBehaviour { public List version confusion between VS 2019 and SQL Server 2016

I've found lots of reported issues related closely to this, but nothing that's quite a match. I'm building a very simple C# class, with the intention of adding

How can I install extra dependencies for a particular configuration only using manifest mode of vcpkg?

I am trying to build the Testing example from the fruit DI Injection library, it contains a standard int main entrypoint in main.cpp, and has another entrypoint

Live Server Extension - Not working after adding forms

I'm using Live Server extension in Visual Studio Code and it's working perfectly. But whenever i try to add a form for example with the following structure:

how can i use a function from MyForm1.h in MyForm.h

i have a funcion 'button1_click' in the header 'MyForm1.h'. I want to use this function in another header 'MyForm.h'. How can i do this? i already included 'MyF

is there any way to reduce the Tags browse time in OPC UA client?... while connected OPC UA Server

I have reduce and checked with SamplingInterval and PublishingInterval..values There is no impact. can you suggest any way? Let me know.

How to use the Fortran compiler in Intel Parallel Studio XE with Visual Studio

I am trying to debug a Fortran code. I have installed Intel Parallel Studio XE which includes the iFort compiler and Microsoft Visual Studio. During the install

Visual Studio update - 'could not load type' error editing tt file

I updated to VS2019 v16.10 and since then, I get an error every time I type into my tt file (reversePoco). From reading what little I can find, it may be relat

How can I make it so when my player collides with an enemy, it disables movement input until player touches the ground?

So, I want to make it so the player loses control when it collides with an enemy. I already got a thing set up to make the player fly off towards the direction

Getting Error on installing Truffle on windows 10 using npm install truffle -g

When i tried to install truffle i got these errors :- I have installed Node.js earlier and also i have pip installed. PS C:\Users\pk199\Documents> npm instal

Get (Exception from HRESULT:0x800300002 (STG_E_FILENOTFOUND)) when running a new SSRS Report

I have created two SSRS reports within a Report Project using VS 2019 and they work fine. When I create a third report using the same procedure and attempt run

How do I use live server?

I cannot run my code in visual studio using liveserver anymore because it automaticaly offers me to run with launch.json! I don't see "run with liveserver" opti