Category "vue-router"

Toggling components depending of the current path in Nuxt

My layouts/default.vue looks like this: <template> <v-app style="background-color: transparent; color: unset"> <v-main> <ActHea

How to prevent double invoking of the hook created?

So I have a problem with my vue3 project. The gist: I need to support different layouts for some use cases: authorization, user profile's layout, group's layout

In Vuejs3 how to make the sticky header component change background colour when intersecting with other components?

I am just wondering, how to structure my code to make my sticky <Header /> component change its background-color when intersecting with other components (

routers and components in vue.js

My component information is not displayed!!! the router is working great and I test it to many times but there is nothing in components when I run the project.

where to look in meteor app if vue-router suddenly stops sending props to other vue compoents

everything was working just fine and suddenly now Vue components are not receiving the props sent on router-view. I've tried deleting the 'local' and .cache fol

Vue 3 dynamic components at router level

Dynamic imports is needed for me, eg. i have 10 layouts, but user only visited 3 layouts, I should not import all of the layouts, since its consumed unnecessary

VUE js How hide routes by role in vue-router? Spa Laravel Vue

I am writing a SPA application (laravel + vue). There was a question how to hide routes in vue-router before authorization of a user with a certain role. Now th

NuxtJS change query params and reload page

I have a route in my NuxtJS application that accept query parameters. I'm trying to implement a logic that allow the user to change the query parameters and rel

How to destroy/unmount vue.js 3 components?

I have a fairly large vue.js 2 application that has a dynamic tabs mechanism. Users can interact with the application opening and closing tabs, each tab represe

jQuery not working in vue component when change route

I have an issue with jQuery script files is not working inside vue component but it working outside it, I found a solution to put all script files in script sec

How to react to route changes on Vue 3, "script setup" composition API?

This is an example of routes I have in my application: { path: "/something", name: "SomeRoute", component: SomeComponent, meta: {showExtra: true}, }, {

Vue 3: component not rendering when added with router-view

I have created vue app using vue-cli and instead of html I have added my component TopBar for links and those links are not getting rendered. App.vue <templa

Detect navigation abort/cancel in a guard

Currently it's expected that the navigation is confirmed, so both beforeEach and afterEach global guards are triggered. showSpinner and hideSpinner are supposed

VueJS How to Implement RouterGaurd

In a real-world Vue application, the router can easily get to several hundred line long so I split the router.js into separate (component) route files and impor

How to handle permissions for route from database?

In Vue, when I want to restrict some pages for some users, in router I define a permission in meta, like this: routes: [ { path: 'transport',

What is <router-view :key="$route.fullPath">?

I'm completely new to Vue.js and I think I have a bit of understanding of how a router works with things like: <router-link to="/"> But I am not really u

Activate method on router link click in Vue

I am working on account removal on a Chrome extension and I have the following button: <button @click="remove" id="button_remove" class="btn btn-default" sty

vue-router, nginx and direct link

I'm trying to setup a vue-router on my nginx server. The issue I'm having is that my route doesn't work if I enter url directly to the browser

vue-router : router-link not working

I'm trying to use vue-router and router-link. When I click on the link, the URL updates correctly, but nothing is loaded into <router-view></router-vie

Vue Dynamic Layouts mounting router-view component twice

I setup my Vue project to use dynamic layouts - that is, layouts that persist from page to page, assuming the layout for the new page is the same as the last pa