I am using chart 2 in vue js. chart is working fine but got this error every time i'm trying to call line chart.
When does an element become available in the dom after using a vue v-if? I would have thought you could do a query selector on the element after the v-if evalu
edit: I have used a number in this example which was a bad idea, in the real program I'm not using numbers but names (eg name_abba, name_jef, name_john) I have
Someone can help me to fix this conflict Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. Problem 1 - tymon/jwt-auth is locked to vers
I have a nuxt2-webapp with a lot of routes and for all routes except 2, I need a script to be injected. Is there a way to disable the injecting? Nuxt config: me
I am trying to restrict access to the login if the user is already logged in by checking if there is already a token in the localStorage. Any idea on how I can
I am working on a vue js project, to use the router , I installed via command -> npm install vue-router and created a router.js file , but when i try , npm r
First picture without clicking on edit button Second picture when i click on edit button So here i want is when i click on which ever divs edit button at that p
I am stuck with the Vue-Apollo documentation: How to send mutations to my grahql-node4j server backend. For some reason the querying part works but I can't muta
I'm trying to understand why changing a prop, used to provide an initial value, doesn't cause the data variable to change. In the below example, changing the in
Is there away to display a default value if the expected value is null? Ex. <v-card-subtitle class="py-0 my-0">{{ user.name??'n/a' }}</v-card-subtitle&
How can I convert this Nuxt script into a Vue compatible one? <script> export default { components: { FeaturedProduct }, async asyncData({ $axio
My component information is not displayed!!! the router is working great and I test it to many times but there is nothing in components when I run the project.
everything was working just fine and suddenly now Vue components are not receiving the props sent on router-view. I've tried deleting the 'local' and .cache fol
For all pages, I need the locale prefix. But for the profile page, I want to ignore it. All pages except profile /{en|da|sv}/path Profile page /peter.hansen I
I want a text to have a blured white background. But im actually struggling with the blur effect. Everytime i try to use filter blur, the div gets blured but my
While sending a this.$inertia.patch request I'm unable to catch a Network Error. I'm turning off the backend server to emulate a lost connection. The console sh
I have a button, it looks like this in HTML form <span class="v-btn__content">Create</span> My E2E Test, I am trying to click that Create button mo
I am facing some issues while making a shopify application Vue.js as frontend and laravel as backend. I am using app-bridge to generate session token it is gene
I have a parent component and there are several child components. Some children use Vuex store. When I try to mount parent component like below in Vue test, I'm