Category "vuejs2"

How to implement background sync with nuxtjs/pwa?

I am trying to use workbox background-sync in Nuxtjs via @nuxt/pwa-module. this is my workbox property in nuxt.config.js file: workbox: { importScripts : [

Vuejs: Parent component not updating after updating child component

I need clarity. When there is update in a child component in vuejs, even the parent also triggers its updated hook. But I thought that the parent had already un

Access this / vm instance from props default (VueJS)

I have a plugin that sets some variables to vue's object prototype. I need to access these variables from a prop's default property. How can I achieve this?

VueSelect How to set initial value with object's property

I'm using VueSelect for address select. There are 3 select components for country, state, city. With using v-model, it's working well to get the specified valu

How to remove vuetify autocomplete component default icon

Vuetify autocomplete by default have custom "up" and "down" arrow icons: How can be changed this icon to search icon in other events (active or inactive) an

How can I disable dates in Element UI datepicker?

I want to select the departure date then when I go to select the return date I want the function to disable all dates before the departure date in element UI I

Teleport in component from slot Vue3

I want to create tabs component for my components library. I want tabs and tab components to work like this: <b-tabs> <b-tab :title="'tab 1'"

How do I dynamically reflect the country code & flag on UI in vue-tel-input

I'm receiving the country code from the back-end and want to show the same in the vue-tel-input form. I'm using the below code, but its not working as expected.

Vue Table with draggable rows won't get exported reordered

High I'm new at programming in Vue, but I want to use Vue Leaflet. So I made thiggs simplified version of my program which highlights a major programming proble

How to properly apply ternary operator in v-model in vue.js?

I am trying to apply the ternary operator in the v-model but it's not working. I also read a lot of similar questions and answers on StackOverflow but none answ

How to add an image in a table (using el-table, el-table-column), ie using ui-element in Vue.js?

I am fairly new to Vue.js and have managed to build a simple table using the ui-element. The ui-element used for building the table is el-table and have display

VueJS How to Implement RouterGaurd

In a real-world Vue application, the router can easily get to several hundred line long so I split the router.js into separate (component) route files and impor

Replace nested array for new array

I have an array inside another array: Structure: First Array [ { Second Array [ { } ] } ] So I want to replace all Second Array for new array t

Multiple forms with one submit() method by Vue

I have a few forms. Every of them have the same logic (validation, sending...) so, I want to create one method to control actions on my forms. For now my code i

Activate method on router link click in Vue

I am working on account removal on a Chrome extension and I have the following button: <button @click="remove" id="button_remove" class="btn btn-default" sty

Vue: mounted changed value not passed to component

This is my Vue main file: export default { name: 'app', components: { FormSelector, }, data () { return { headerInf

Watch height of an element in VueJS

Is there any way to set a watcher on the height of an element in VueJS? I am trying to fix the filters part on a search result page. but if the results change

[Vue warn]: Error in nextTick: "NotFoundError: Failed to execute 'insertBefore' on 'Node'

I'm receiving the following error messages in my Vue web app occasionally but when it does happen, it completely halts my app. Error msg 1: [Vue warn]: Err

Watch props change on vuejs

I want to use watch for a props on a child component, but it's not working. Here is my code : props: { searchStore: { type: Object } }, watch:

Vue.js computed boolean incorrect

I need a computed property for whether startDate is less than endDate. For some reason when I code it as below, the computed property always computes as false e