I have used Vue in the past but am struggling with how to pass information / args to a root Vue 3 component. In my html, I'd like to have something like this:
I am develop a google chrome extension using vue3 + typescript. I use v-link like this in the vue3 template like this: <li> <a v-link="{name:'about'
I am develop a google chrome extension using vue3 + typescript. I use v-link like this in the vue3 template like this: <li> <a v-link="{name:'about'
I am using vue 3 to develop a google chrome extension. I want return a simple div in Vue 3 render function, this is the code looks like: import client from './c
Today I upgrade my google chrome extension vue version to 3.x, when run the app, the google chrome extension popup console shows error like this: commons1.js:13
I want to toggle to dark mode in Vue JS and Tailwind CSS with Dark class in tailwind, but I don't have idea what I should do. I code a little and I want to try
I want to know if there's a way to create a reusable scritp/class/service with primevue toast function calls, in such a way that I don't need to call the primev
I'm new using Vuejs and I have a component that I want to set height value only if I send a parameter in props So, my class is something like this: <input
Very new to using vue, I just got simple question on how I could access the API supplied by vue3-carousel according to the docs: https://ismail9k.github.io/vue3
<script lang="ts" setup> interface Props { bigArray: string[]; } ***const props = withDefaults(defineProps<Props>(), { big
I have project with nested custom elements. Now I need to vuex & vue router. How I can use this packages from root custom element and then use in all child
I am using the Composition API (with <script setup lang='ts'>) to create a ref, used in my template: const searchRef = ref(null) onMounted(() => { sear
I am trying to update a prop value when the data from the parent component gets updated and passes through the prop. The parent value always updates but does no
I want to add about 20.000 plane geometries on mapbox map. Docs have example with only one object(even camera configured for one object). My purpose - isometric
I'm having a difficult time getting Vuex-Persist to work properly. Basically, not saving the data it should: Secondly, it disappears upon refresh. Which defeat
Env I have a Vue 3 Application which requires a constant setInterval() to be running in the background (Game Loop). I put that in store/index.js and call it fro
I'm currently trying to create a Vue 3 Application that utilizes the Composition API with Vuex 4 (namespaced) written in TypeScript. There are tons of different
I try without success to apply a prerendering (or a SSG) to my Vue3 application to make it more SEO friendly. I found the vue-cli-plugin-prerender-spa, and when
I'm using Vue 3 with Vite. And I have a problem with dynamic img src after Vite build for production. For static img src there's no problem. <img src="/src/a
I'm trying to use Font Awesome with Vue 3. I have it in my package.json "dependencies": { "@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core": "^1.2.34", "@fortawesome/free-bra