Vue 3 doesn't have Vue.extend() method, so example here doesn't work: I have tried
in my vuejs3 app I'm having this simple code in my main.js import { createApp } from "vue"; import App from "./App.vue"; import { firestorePlugin } from "vuefir
My Vue components work fine when declared in the top level HTML file, like this <body> <div class='app' id='app'> <header-bar id='h
vue is throwing this message: Vue received a Component which was made a reactive object. This can lead to unnecessary performance overhead, and should be avoid
As stated, the package @meforma/vue-toaster has a clear() function in the API here. My vue and vite project setup: main.js import Toaster from '@meforma/vue-toa
I am following the following this guide, that shows how to enable "Route Based Modals" in Inertia.js. The post is written for Vue2, and I am using Vue3 - and I
I have a project build with Vue.js 3.2.13 and Vue-Router 4.0.14. I think I do everything right but the browser raises an error "[Vue warn]: Failed to resolve co
The transition Does not work in inertia page . if add appLayout between transition tag . its working . but all content gives transition. Dashboard.vue <templ
How do I import globally with Vue 3 in the main.js the ref, reactive and computed? I'm trying to avoid doing this in each component: import { ref, reactive, com
I'm adding an Openstreetmap component. Newbie, straight to Vue3 (do not ask me to start from Vue2), MapLeaflet.vue : I took the code from here: https://vue2-lea
I have a simple Vue component with root element as ref="divRef". However, in onMounted function, divRef.value returns undefined. Any help will be appreciated. i
I am beginner with websocket and i am trying to connect it with vue3 like this onMounted(() => { var connection = new WebSocket("wss://"
The export default statement does not seem to work inside <script setup>. If I try to export it in test.vue: <template> <div id="test" class="t
Is it possible to turn that into <script setup> ? I try many ways but missing something maybe. Need help ! <script> import ProductsAPI from '../
Is there a way to stop getting error from ESLint for single word view name in Vue3? Every time I run ESLint, I get following message: 1:1 error Component na
how would I add a default value to this template. the default value would be the first option in the list which is 'Please Select...' <template #dropDownSe
I am doing unit test using jest. The things I am working with is vue3 (typescript) with quasar. I am facing the following error: TypeError: Cannot read property
I'm making a chess game and I am using Vue 3 and TypeScript with Pinia for the state management. I want to do something like the following: export const useStor