Category "webdriver"

Python Screenshot as file with errors

I'm running python 3.10.4, I'm trying to take a screenshot and I received this error: [15468:20292:0409/] Every r

I disabled loading images in chrome while using webdriver with selenium now cant enable it

I disabled loading images in chrome while using webdriver with selenium now cant enable it. I was using python to webscrape on instagram so thought it would be

Interact with Dropdown with a "nesty-input" class using Selenium?

I am trying to automate complaints with the FCC. I'm having trouble interacting with a dropdown box located at

find_element_by_* commands are deprecated in selenium

When starting the function def run(driver_path): driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=driver_path) driver.get('

How to open url with selenium webdriver python with differents IPs?

from selenium import webdriver options = webdriver.ChromeOptions() options.add_argument('--proxy-server=') browser = webdriver.Chrome(executa

How to use Edge Chromium webdriver "unknown error: cannot find MSEdge binary"

I am trying to use the WebDriver for the Edge Chromium version with PostMan, but I cannot make it work. WebDriver Download:

Selenium capability or option to stop 'Save Card?' popup Chrome mobile browser?

Selenium is there a capability or option to stop 'Save Card?' popup Chrome mobile browser? I am using Browserstack automate to run selenium tests on an Android

WebDriver Sample with Java error - Encountered "WDS"

I am using java as scripting language in JMeter 3.0 and jmeter-plugins-webdriver-1.4.0.jar. When I run my script which is supposed to open a browser and go to g

Ruby - Appium (android) webdriver actions throws "NoMethodError: undefined method `perform_actions' for nil:NilClass"

I saw that touch actions are now deprecated and the recommendation is to use webdriver actions instead. I've been following the exact example from: https://appi

Python : no module named selenium

After searching the web for hours i didnt yet find an answer to my problem. I am using Python 3.6 and i cant import selenium. I always get the message "No modul

Click a button in a table, but all rows contain automatically generated identical buttons in Selenium

I am currently doing QA Automation on a web application with Selenium WebDriver, and the language I decided to use is Python 3. Everything was going great until

Using Selenium how to get network request

I want to take all the network request using selenium..I am not getting any way to find this solution.If anyone can suggest me or provide code or library that w

How to use existing login token for telegram web using selenium webdriver

I'm trying to read telegram messages from with selenium. When i open in firefox i'm already logged in, but wh

Chromedriver UI interaction hangs and eventually times out when the same browser is being viewed via chrome://inspect

I have the following set up: Docker container running webdriver driven test where the chrome debugger port has been exposed; chrome, chromedriver and the test s

Would it be the right approach to close and open a new WebDriver session between negative tests in Selenium?

I close my driver and reopen it between each negative test, for example - in my negative login test - if the test failed it means the login succeeded, then I cl

How to set timeout for "Page should contain element" in Robot Framework / Selnium when using "Create Webdriver"

I'm having an issue with the "Page should contain element" keyword in combination with the "Create webdriver" keyword. For example, using the "Open browser" key

How do you use credentials saved by the browser in auto login script in python 2.7?

When I manually open a browser, both firefox and chrome, and proceed to a website where I previously saved my login credentials via the browser, the username an

Could not find or load main class org.testng.remote.RemoteTestNG - in Eclipse

I've tried to update Selenium webdriver version and now i cant run my tests because of following exception: Error: Could not find or load main class org.t

How to get attribute of element from Selenium?

I'm working with Selenium in Python. I would like to get the .val() of a <select> element and check that it is what I expect. This is my code: def test_

AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Firefox'

I am trying to use selenium webdriver to spawn an instance of Firefox. In the past, I was able to do this after installing geckodriver and making sure that it w