I have an automation framework developed using webdriverIO. The issue is all test cases start failing whenever chrome updated as chromedriver didn't update auto
Hi everyone can you help me with that problem? I'm trying to enter inside the iframe of google reCAPTCHA. Tried several ways to click but didn't work with the i
I added const video = require('wdio-video-reporter'); to wdio.conf.js I added to wdio.conf.js capabilities: [ { ... "appium:deviceType": "phone"
Problem: Iam trying to calculate DP using the following formula. dp = (width * 160) / density; Iam using this formula since i don't know how can i have the DP
I'm wondering how can I set up my LambdaTest config so it runs each scenario in a different env. At the moment my setup is Windows - Chrome v88.0 and the config
Is there a way to make webdriverio wait for a page to load? I saw that in java I can have something like: executeScript("return document.readyState").equals("co
I am having an issue when running multiple tests one after another in webdriverio. When I am running multiple tests (for example a describe that contains multip
I am using webdriverio with chai assertion library for UItesting, while asserting a string i was wondering if I can make chai to return true/false when the asse
I am trying to run an Appium test in saucelab real devices. But that is throwing error "There is no device that matches your criteria." All config files with co
I'm trying to generate screenshots in my allure reports after each step in my test or just a single screenshot at the end of the test. I have referred to the we
If I am using the async mode in WebDriver IO, Given the following test case: search the user name input and fill it with the user name 1 it("Explicit Wait Exa
I am trying to run my E2E tests in CircleCi. Tests work locally. On CircleCi tests are stuck after wdio's call: [0-0] 2021-08-20T11:01:17.873Z INFO webdrive
i'm trying to use the function of webdriver io 7 setValue() but I always received the same result. I post my code. This is the page object Home import Page from
I am using Webdriver IO Framework with Cucumber and Page Object Model. I am able to setup multiple env files and run tests again each environment and it works.
When I finish configuring the project, the wdio.conf.ts and tsconfig.json files are saved in a folder called tests and the wdio.conf.ts file gives me the follow
I went through all the docs and posts about Webdriver IO that I could find and I couldn't find a straight forward way to install and configure WebdriverIO with