I am trying to use datepicker within an remote component using module federation and am getting the attached error message. Troubleshooting steps tried Added @
I am trying to consume an MFE using webpack 5, module federation with angular 13. However when I run the application I am getting below error. Uncaught SyntaxEr
Question is exactly same here in fact but has different context: How to mock not installed npm package in jest? I am part of a project where new Module Federati
I am working on an architecture for a dynamic dashboard with components fetched from different remote react bundles using webpack 5 module federation. I do have
In our company we are trying to implement micro frontend concept using @angular-architects/module-federation plugin. We used very basic configuration, nothing s
I am trying to get my rather complicated monolithic app to work with Module Federation. My webpack config looks like that plugins: [ new ModuleFederation
Am I able to lazy load apps' entry files when I am using React with ReactRouter? When I enter page there are many requests for remoteEntry.js files for each app
consumes:146 Uncaught Error: Shared module is not available for eager consumption: webpack/sharing/consume/default/@emotion/react/@emotion/react?99ca at Obj
I am using webpack module federation plugin, and there are Container and Micro frontend apps (both are written on React). Based on the new requirement I should
I'm developing a microfrontends application, using Module Federation Plugin. The routing of application container is: const routes: Routes = [ { path: 'lo
I am following the article describing setting up module federation: https://nx.dev/l/a/guides/setup-mfe-with-angular Starting with generating the workspace, add
I am following the article describing setting up module federation: https://nx.dev/l/a/guides/setup-mfe-with-angular Starting with generating the workspace, add