Category "yuv"

sws_scale, YUV to RGB conversion

I need convert YUV to RGB. I also need the RGB values to be in the limited range (16-235). I try to use sws_scale function for this task. My code you can see be

Is there a way to use ffmpeg for RGB to true YUV (not YCbCr) conversion?

As far as I can see in the documentation, all conversions involving YUV actually use YCbCr. There are slight differences though, and I would like to convert to

View .bin file (YCbCr 4:2:2 format)

I am given a .bin file. I know that the elements in this file correspond to Y Cb Cr values (4:2:2). Also, the data type is 8 bits. How can I view this? I foun

YUV buffer size not matching image size

I am currently using Android Camera2 API and decoding the frames through an ImageReader in a YUV_420_888 format. I managed to get everything working, all looks

sws_scale YUV --> RGB distorted image

I want to convert YUV420P image (received from H.264 stream) to RGB, while also resizing it, using sws_scale. The size of the original image is 480 × 800.