Category "webpack"

Why Laravel Mix deletes CSS @import url()

I'm using Laravel Mix, and when I run npm run dev, everything is good, but when I run npm run prod, in minified style.css, all @import url()s get deleted! Webpa

Importing slick carousel theme css throws errors on webpack build

I'm trying to import slick-theme.scss in my parent scss as @import "../node_modules/slick-carousel/slick/slick-theme.css"; but during bundle, I get errors on

How to run nextjs dev server with the config from another project?

I develop a nextjs application. Inside the root folder, I've made landing/pages/ folder and I want to run dev server with those pages using next dev ./landing.

Can you compile a TS file with webpack separately from Vue application?

So I have a Vue 3 + Typescript app. npm run build of course takes the app and compiles it into the dist folder so it can be deployed. I have a web worker typesc

How to auto-refresh the browser on .ejs changes when using express + webpack middlewares?

I have set up a server using express and the webpack-dev-middleware and webpack-hot-middleware that is currently accepting module replacements for the .js files

How to solve this error: "internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:638 throw err; ^"

I want to run my Vue.js using npm on localhost:8080 but they give me this error. Is there a way to solve this issue? This error only occurs when I tried to inst

Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined - React-Rails

Components aren't rendering because of the Uncaught ReferenceError error. The error is thrown in one of the React API files (see the code in question below). I'

Can't load popper.js with webpack and Laravel mix

I'm using bootstrap 4 beta and Laravel 5.4 on my project and loading my js dependencies with npm and laravel mix. So far everything has been working great, exce

IMAGE: You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type

I can't figure what is the proper loader to load images in ReactJS webpack, May you give me a hand? I get this error: Module parse failed: /Users/imac/Desktop

How configure Jest when using react-app-rewired and customize-cra?

I am trying set up tests with Jest in a create-react-app that is using the override function from customize-cra and react-app-rewired. I have set up a relative

Deploy react on an esp32 with 32 character file name limit

I would like to deploy a react application on a web server on an esp32 micro controller, to control an api on that same micro controller. The web server is work

Importing SVG as React component not working with Next.js

I created a project with create-react-app using Typescript and latter I was asked to add next.js to it, what happend was that it broked some svgs across the app

Powerapps code components with react and web3

I am doing a very simple powerapps code component project using react and web3. As soon as I build the project, I get a bunch of errors. Many of them I managed

Docker "Invalid mount path app/symfony" must be absolute

Im trying to setup Webpack to run with docker. I'm looking to put it in its own container, build the files and then nginx will serve that produced code on its c

extract-text-webpack-plugin replacement in webpack 5

I'm working on the project upgrading from webpack 3 to webpack 5. In the project, it was using raw-loader and extract-text-webpack-plugin to parse imported html

import json file in react, webpack config error

I am trying to import a json file into my code. The js file for the same is import React from 'react'; import ReactDom from 'react-dom' ; import $ from 'jquery

Why is webpack encore required only in dev

I'm currently configuring some docker images for a symfony 5 project and trying to deal with the production build. Doing so, I noticed that webpack encore is in

Why is webpack encore required only in dev

I'm currently configuring some docker images for a symfony 5 project and trying to deal with the production build. Doing so, I noticed that webpack encore is in

image-minimizer-webpack-plugin generator keep originals

When i load an image in my webpack i want to optimize that image AND make a webp of that image. Im using image-minimizer-webpack-plugin with minimizer AND gener

How to add Font Awesome to Next.js project

I'm trying to add font-awesome to my Next.js project using webpack. I've tried following various instructions I've found on the web (using file-loader, url-load