Category "webpack"

html-webpack-plugin not working with webpack-dev-server

Webpack, you'll be the death of me. html-webpack-plugin works fine in production. The 'dist' folder is loaded with my html template and the bundle inserted. O

failed to inference ONNX model: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'InferenceSession')

I tried to replicate the example found here: impor

CORS error even after setting Access-Control-Allow-Origin or other Access-Control-Allow-* headers on client side

I have a Vue application generated with webpack-simple option. I am trying to make a GET request to

Webpack how to negative match resource query

How can I add a resource query to my Webpack configuration so that if a require statement contains a query string, Webpack skips the loader I've specified in th

After update to angular 13 my tests are not running

When trying to run my tests after migrating to angular 13 I get the following error. The tests were running just fine in angular 12. START: 07 02 2022 16:10:25.

How to import image (.svg, .png ) in a React Component

I am trying to import an image file in one of my react component. I have the project setup with web pack Here's my code for the component import Diamond from

specify mime type for dataUri when using webpacks asset/inline

I'm loading audio files with webpacks asset/inline { test: /\.(wav)$/i, type: 'asset/inline', } import someWAV from './wav/some.wav' working all fine, fil

Just after installing uuidv4, it shows error which is as follows:

one ERROR in ./node_modules/util/util.js Module build failed (from ./node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js): Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open

How do I add WebPack polyfill to React App created with React Create App without ejecting?

I have a react App and I'm trying to use a library which gives me these errors: ERROR in ./node_modules/esm/esm.js 30:10-27 Module not found: Error: Can't resol

Loading micro frontend root App component's CSS in singleSpaReact on mounting to the host application

colleagues! Need a piece of advice! Micro frontend in singleSpaReact does not load root's component CSS at the mounting, but only page CSS according routing nav

How can I edit compressed JS files

I have had a developer create a website or app in React. This is already on a webserver and does what it should do. Now I want to develop the frontend myself, w

React: Module not found: Can't resolve 'xmlhttprequest'

I'm getting an error when trying to build my React project: ./node_modules/ethers/utils/web.js Module not found: Can't resolve 'xmlhttprequest' in '/mnt/c/User

I get webpack not installed, but webpack --version finds webpack

I am following this tutorial to create a React project with webpack. Everything went smooth until step 4 webpack --config webpack.config.js, where I get this er

webpack-dev-server Cannot find module 'webpack'

I'm trying to use webpack-dev-server to run a simple program but I'm getting this error: module.js:471 throw err; ^ Error: Cannot find module 'webpack

How to distinguish identically named VueJS + WebPack modules in Chrome Dev Tools?

I am developing an application with VueJS bundled by WebPack 4. It has a number of CRUD modules distinguished by a directory for each one, but with same named

Lazy loading translation file in <i18n> tag

I want to reduce my app size and i started from language files. I'm using vue-i18n Single File Components and i can lazy load like this vue-i18n Lazy loading. I

Storybook error when using Webpack5 with Next.JS app + Typescript

I am trying to set up a fresh next.js app using Typescript and Storybook. Following some guides online gets me fairly close but I note that the rendered 'HomePa

Reactjs build failed attempted import error: 'widget' is not exported

I created a new React project with Typescript and I copy and paste old file from another project which is just .jsx file. This file is importing a class called

HMR tls issues with Visual Studio 2022 Vue template

I am using the Microsoft Vue tutorial to create a solution with separate frontend and backend projects. I am using the default configuration that enables tls an

Message 'Caching failed for pack: Error: Unable to snapshot resolve dependencies' when creating a nextjs application

I tried to create a nextjs application; when i run npm run dev, i got the following error message: <w> [webpack.cache.PackFileCacheStrategy] Caching faile