Category "webpack"

webpack-dev-server - support for POST, PUT, Delete Methods using proxy

I am using webpack-dev-server as a proxy to my original API URL to avoid CORS related issues and dynamically pointing to Dev, UAT, Mock server URL based on the

TypeError: compiler.plugin is not a function

I'm trying to use Tailwind v2 into an old project that uses .tpl files. Not an issue as we're migrating to the world of SPAs. What I'm doing should work regardl

Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialised using a configuration object that does not match the API schema

I have this simple helloworld react app created from an online course, however I get this error: Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialised

How to forbid replacing process.env variables during compilation in webpack?

Story I'm developing the AWS Lambda functions and compile the code using webpack. I've read some of the articles and it seems that the process.env variables a

React unable to import component -- module not found

I just started with React.js and I am unable to import component. I have this structure as followed by this tutorial (YouTube link) : -- src ----| index.html

How to use Google fonts in React.js?

I had built a website with React.js and webpack. I want to use Google fonts in the webpage, so I put the link in the section. Google Fonts <link href="ht

Webpack 5 Module federation : Unable to Import the Remote app

I have a vanilla JS app and an Angular app. I am trying to link both these apps using module federation, both on my local environment. The following is webpack

Module build failed: UnhandledSchemeError: Reading from "alias:/path" is not handled by plugins (Unhandled scheme)

I am creating a new react app and trying to configure webpack compiler from scratch. The issue happens when running the build command with webpack -c config/web

__webpack_require__ is not defined. Here map bundle doesn't work

I've got an issue inside web worker when tried to use @here/maps-api-for-javascript. I think that happens since the webpack changes the code that runs inside th

Webpack dist folder not getting created in project folder?

Everything running fine, but could not able to find where is my dist folder.I am using publicPath as per documentation, still dist folder seems to coming from m

Hot Reload is not working in my React App

I have created this app with npx create-react-app. After this i have deleted all the files except index.js in src folder. Then Hot reload is not working. I have

Rails, Capistrano - Compilation failed without serving any debug log

I'm trying to deploy my Rails5 app to AWS EC2 instance using Capistrano3. However when it comes to assets compile, it fails without logging any reasons. Where

Karma reload debug.html on test file changes

When running Karma with autoWatch: true and singleRun: false, any change to my unit test files causes the tests to be re-run, and refreshes the Karma webpage at

Setting homepage in package.json doesn't set PUBLIC_URL on build

Following the docs here (Building for Relative Paths), so setting homepage field in package.json doesn't set PUBLIC_URL during the build. Expected behavior %P

Webpack dev server cannot get

I' am using Webpack-4. Current behavior is that when webpack-dev-server is running, files under /build not get updated at all and it is showing the file directo

How to remove folder with npm before build

I've got a scripts "build": "rimraf dist webpack --progress --config webpack/prod.js", But actually,it removed not dist but all file inside webpack folder. But

Import a JavaScript file with Webpack

I got Webpack up and running and now I'd like to split my code into separate files. Lets say I have this code in a separate file: handlebarHelpers.js handleb

Numerous errors when importing web3 into app.js

Attempt to import web3 into App.js gives me 9 errors import React from "react"; import Web3 from "web3"; function App() { return ( <div className="App

Webpack - no output file generated?

I have the following webpack config: var path = require('path') var webpack = require('webpack') module.exports = { entry: { main: './scripts/app/ma

Webpack launch browser automatically

Gulp + live reload serves up my content on localhost and (here's what I'm after) launches the browser automatically at the server url whenever i run the gulp co