Category "webpack"

proxy not working for react and node

I'm having issues with the proxy I set up. This is my root package.json file: "scripts": { "client": "cd client && yarn dev-server", "server"

Need to install 'webpack-dev-server'

I have cloned a repo from GitHub for a project. I've already installed node (-v 14.17.5) and npm (-v7.20.6), however when I run npm start I get the following co

Need to install 'webpack-dev-server'

I have cloned a repo from GitHub for a project. I've already installed node (-v 14.17.5) and npm (-v7.20.6), however when I run npm start I get the following co

Laravel mix, webpack, terser - strip console log in production bundle

I'm trying to strip console log and console debugs from the production build of my laravel + react app. I found many different solutions but none seemed suitabl

Getting "Html Webpack Plugin: Error: Child compilation failed: Module.createRequire is not a function" when trying to run React app

Trying to run npm start within my React app is causing the following: Error: Child compilation failed: Module.createRequire is not a function - child-c

TS2307: Cannot find module './images/logo.png'

I'm trying to import a local png image into my ts webpack project, and I get the following error. TS2307: Cannot find module './images/logo.png'. All my othe

How to import a compiled module from one app to another in npm workspace using webpack?

I'm using npm workspaces for the first time(node version v16.15.0 and npm v8.5.5 ). I need to import components from a react app in another app with some minor

Angular: 7.2.1 ES6 class ReferenceError : Cannot access 'X' before initialization

I'm having the following TypeScript class export class Vehicule extends TrackableEntity { vehiculeId: number; constructor() { super(); return supe

Angular4 micro front-ends

We have an application composed by multiple services, where there is a edge service routing and load balancing all request to the individual services. The back

StyleLint - Ignore specific folders and files

I'm using StyleLint with Webpack. My current Webpack configuration is: module.exports.styleLint = (isProd = false) => { const options = { configFile:

How to Prevent Webpack Error after npm Install?

I was working on a project, and everything was going good, until I did npm install. Then, Webpack throws the following error: new ForkCheckerPlugin(),

I18next and Webpack

I'm starting with Webpack and find problem with react i18next hook-useTranslation. // webpack.config.js const path = require('path') const HtmlWebpackPlugin = r

Error while importing a module with optional chaining

Project setup: Vuejs 3 Webpack 4 Babel TS We created the project using vue-cli and add the dependency to the library. We then imported a project (Vue Currency

Webpack Dev Server Config - contentBase not working in latest version

When I upgrade webpack to 4.0.0-beta.3 and run npx webpack serve I get this error: [webpack-cli] Invalid configuration object. Object has been initialized using

Error: Cannot find module 'webpack'

I'm just getting started with webpack and am having difficulty getting the multiple-entry-points sample to build. The webpack.config.js file in the example inc

How to change path for output images in webpack 5?

I have some pictures in folder "src/assets/img/". I would like to keep the relative path to pictures. Example: before -> after Part of my webpack config: con

How to use a git submodule with typescript code in a typescript project

I'm working on a VueJS project that uses different colors and some other things depending on a environment variable. These values are contained in another repos

dynamic import Next.js but still see the module in bundle

I'm setting a component as dynamically callable: index.tsx import dynamic from "next/dynamic"; import { PhoneNumberInputProps } from "./components/PhoneNumberIn

Webpack - Critical dependency: the request of a dependency is an expression

I am getting three warning messages when importing request in a barebone webpack project. A minimal example to reproduce the bug is available on GitHub (run npm

The `/deep/` selector is not working using sass-loader in my VueJS application

In my Vue 2.6.10 webpack application I am trying to add SASS as our team wants to migrate our legacy application from LESS to SCSS. In my package.json I have in