I can't understand why this syntax of spread method is wrong for CoffeeScript in WebStorm class Test fruit: {apple: "apple"} init: -> console.log 1,
I'm learning Redux and Redux Toolkit, but I don't understand why autocomplete doesn't work when I'm trying to dispatch an action (see the image below). I import
I have 2 files en.json and xx.json with translations in Angular application. Common idea is to create translation in both files for multilangu
I am currently using Windows 10 with WSL Ubuntu 18.04 installed. I am trying to use WSL as the default terminal in WebStorm however, I am able to use the bash f
In flow-type, on mouse hover over variable of any type object we do not see type hints: However, WebStorm does see the type is: Searched well and played with
I have an Angular application (Angular 2) that I can launch without issue from WebStorm, however when I try and set breakpoints none of them are ever hit. WebSt
This is the current settings: Arguments: $FileName$ $ProjectFileDir$/css/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css --source-map true --output-style expanded Output paths t
Is it possible to tune WebStorm so that when I have something like this in my terminal window, then I just click on the filename and jump to it.
How do you include a space before the closing tags in self closing tags with WebStorm/IntelliJ-based products? Default settings turns <ReactComp /> to &l
I'm new to using WebStorm (v2018.2 on Windows 7) and trying to work with TypeScript. And I am getting following error, despite trying many combinations of the T
How to display "git blame" after opening a file by default in PhpStorm. Without "right-click the left gutter, and select the Annotate option", I want to displ
I work with WebStorm 2016.2.2, TypeScript 2.1, Node.js. For some reason, isNan is declared as a function that only accepts a number: declare function isNaN(nu
What is the best way to sync similar settings across JetBrains IDEs? For example I have PyCharm and PhpStorm, both of which support CSS and HTML, and I would li