Category "webview"

Android - focus an input textfield inside a webview

I have a problem to focus an input textfield inside a webview. In the webview a text input field is shown. If you click inside, the keyboard opens and the navig

Android - Is there a way to set padding to a webview content?

I've a BottomNavigationView with radius borders, and I need to see the content of the pages passing between the borders. But, one of the BottomNavigationView's

Add adblock in webview

I'm trying to add adblock in my fragment, and when I'm tryed inisialize webview I got underline this on new AdBlockerWebView.init(this).initializeWebView(webVie

react native webview, open google maps URL with the google maps application

In the WebView of my react-native application, I have an embedded google maps url like: <WebView source={{html: `<iframe src="

pull to refresh freezes the WebView scrolling in flutter

After implementing the pull to refresh button on webview I'm facing the screen scrolling issue on webview. When I try to scroll the screen upwards or downwards

Android Pre-launch test Crash due to androidx.test.espresso.web.sugar.Web$WebInteraction.doEval execption

It happens when the Robotest tries to load Google Webpages into the Webview of the App. Specifically for Samsung Device SM-G960U1, SDK 8, API Level 26. Fatal ex

Flutter: How to fit the web view size to screen?

I am new in flutter, tried to use web view in flutter, but the the size of the web view is bigger than the screen. I want to fit the web page size to the phon

Flutter / webview_flutter too big to fit screen

I am running flutter 1.17.1, using webview_flutter: ^0.3.21 dependencies added to pubspec.yaml and added this to the end of info.plist <key>io.flutter.em

Pdf file is not able to load in android webview but able to load in external browser

I have the webpage created with angular js file. There are pdf files inside the webpage we want to download and show. when clicking the pdf file, it just show l

How to hide the default android webview progress bar?

i work on an app that displays a page through a webview. I have implemented my own progress bar and it works fine. However i cannot get rid of the default andro

How to Imbed NiceHash Website Widget into Android App? Would it be WebView?

I would like to put this Profitability calculator from: Where the site says to use: <iframe src="https://widget.nic

How to enable File Upload in a WebView

I'm running a WebView on Android app and now I have discovered that I have a problem when I added a new feature to my website which is to upload a profile image

Flutter WebView doesn't call onPageFinished on iOS

I'm working with webview_flutter in order to Auth my users through Cognito's auth endpoint. This is my WebView: return WebView( initialUrl: url,

After Java update to the version 1.8.0_301 JavaFX WebView with Leaflet.Draw.Circle, Leaflet.Edit.Circle does not work as well as OSM is not draggable

I am using JavaFX Webview with Leaflet library to render OSM tiles. I am running into issues with Circles and Polygons, Marker and with some functions as Editt

How to fix net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE in webView android

after update chrome to last version (75.0.3370.143) my app which use webView is showing error when load data. "Web page not available The web page at data:

Flutter WebView plugin unable to play some YouTube videos

The webview_flutter plugin is unable to play some YouTube embed videos that do work if played from within a web app. The videos display "Video unavailable". Pla

Keep webview playing audio in background

I have a simple webview that open a music player from my website that works fine, but my problem is to keep the player playing in background when the phone lock

I am displaying some content using dangerouslySetInnerHtml in Reactjs for a blog page, but bullet points are not showing

I am displaying some content using dangerouslySetInnerHtml in Reactjs for a blog page, but bullet points are not showing, however the same code and page is bein

WebView is not loading page in Android 9.0?

public abstract class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private static WebView web; private WebView mWebView; private java.lang

JavaScript triggered redirect not working on site opened in facebook webview

Opening our ecommerce site from within the Facebook app on Android, opens the page itself in a Facebook web view. When performing the purchase, an external app