Category "windows-7"

PostgreSQL version compatible with Windows 7 32 bit

I have tried to install PostgreSQL 10.6 on Win 7 SP1 32 bit and I got following error after trying to run pgadmin4: "postgresql application server could not be

Overcome Windows 7 shell MAX_PATH limit

If context menu key that launches some executable exists in Windows registry and the "%1" command line patrameter place holder is mentioned, the path this execu

CertEnrol import pfx The password you entered is incorrect

I'm created pfx certificate using by certEntroll when I imported on windows 10 it's imported successfuly but when i tried on windwos 7 i got an error "The passw

How to install GroupPolicy module for PowerShell?

I just started writing scripts in PowerShell. The desired script is supposed to create a local GroupPolicyObject (GPO) which will be specified afterwards. Resea

ASP.NET Exception Error From SQL Server Windows Authentication Login

I have read and tried all the suggestions from [][3] But no

Issues connecting to Nuget. Cannot turn off proxy

In Visual Studio 2017 I'm trying to connect to the nuget server to update some stuff, but I'm getting this error: [] Unable to load the service ind

Visual Studio Code "Open With Code" does not appear after right-clicking a folder

Just installed Visual Studio Code 1.1.1 on a Windows 7 machine. When I right-click on a folder, "Open With Code" does not appear.

How can I add Windows Credentials to Credentials Manager on Windows programmatically?

I have looked at this question's selected answer, Retrieve Credentials from Windows Credentials Store using C#, which uses the CredentialManagement NuGet packag

How to unbind a Microsoft .OBD file?

I can't seem to find any way to open an old .OBD file. Our company has around a hundred of these binders that were created a long time ago by another company th

VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter Driver Error

I installed virtual box in my computer and it said device driver installation failed. i tried to manually update the Virtual Box host only ethernet adapter but

VBScript how to join WScript.Arguments?

I am trying to join the arguments to a string to be passed to another script. The following: WScript.Echo(Join(WScript.Arguments)) gives me an error: Error:

What's the upper limit on GDI objects for one process in Windows 7?

Have an application with a GDI leak that will eventually hit 10,000 allocated GDI objects and crash. I tried increasing the GDIProcessHandleQuota to 20,000, bu

Getting application version number in Lazarus project not working

I'm using the following unit to try to read the application version number in a Lazarus project but GetProductVersion always returns http://forum.lazar

Setting IGMP Version on Windows 7

I have a piece of software written "out there" (e.g. no source code available) that allows me to use it in multicast mode. I'm trying to use this software on a

Python Zipfile extractall IOError on Windows when extracting files from long paths

I'm running python zipfile extractall, its extracting to a path which is longer than 255 characters. Running this on windows 7 64bit. I'm getting to following e

netbeans problem : localhost/­PhpProject1/­index.­php not found

I have installed netbeans6.9.1 with java,c++ and php on windows 7. When i tried to run a test php code, the browser cant find the localhost. Pleas help me to g