Category "windows-forms-designer"

Separate connection file in C# and ModbusClient

Could you help me with this: I need to create a connection file to a PLC through ModbusClient, a separate file from the Main, but within the same solution. I ha

C# Windows Form Designer - Input String was not in correct Format

[Hello everyone, I'm a new into the world of programming, I tried to follow a tutorial showing how to make a timer, that can shutDown your Pc, or put it into Sa

C# Progress Bar Min value is not updating from textbox

Im trying to work with progress bar in C# WFA. My code works but i have problem with Min value of progress bar. It only works when i enter max value first not m

Code generation for struct property of user control

I create a user control like below: public partial class TestControl : UserControl { [DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Conte