The IT department at work decided to switch from using VPN to a Virtual Desktop solution. Does anyone has experience using WSL 1/2 inside of virtual desktop ?
I have WSL installed as well as Docker Desktop. I tried to clean up docker as much as I could by running docker system prune -a docker volume rm $(docker volum
I started to develop a .NET Core Web API application with SQL Server. I use the Windows Subsystem for Linux (I store the files in the Ubuntu s
If I run locally run start Everything works perfectly. After executing the command docker run -p 3000:3000 -v /app/node_modules -v ${pwd}:/app b88c46febae5 I ge
My Windows 10 machine has Airflow 1.10.11 installed within WSL 2 (Ubuntu-20.04). I have a BashOperator task which calls an .EXE on Windows (via /mnt/c/... or vi
Hello I'm newbie using an Linux environment and VS code. I've used windows terminal to access on WSL2 and it worked well. I'm trying to set up development envir
My current setup is: PhpStorm, Docker WSL, Ubuntu (WSL). All my project files are local and inside WSL Ubuntu. Docker Container and CLI Interpreters are set up
I have a ionic angular application. When I run 'ionic capacitor build android' from WSL I get the following errors: [INFO] Ready for use in your Native IDE!
i just install mongodb on ubuntu windows using sudo apt-get -y install mongodb. after installation was finsished, i want to start using sudo systemctl start mon
I'm using PyCharm with a WSL interpreter because I need to use a library that doesn't work well with Windows (gtsam, if you're wondering). I have a pandas Dataf
I installed Docker desktop for windows 10 home (version 10.0.19042) but I was never able to make it work because I keep getting this error: Microsoft.NET frame
I've configured WSL for my computer, and it work in WSL terminal successfully. zoom@Zoom:/etc/ssh$ ssh zoom@localhost -p 2222 zoom@localhost's password: Welcom
Problem: The program works but the intellisense doesnt recognize the compiler. Specifications: I use wsl. Installed from powershell What i've tried: I reinstall
I'm trying to run docker in WSL2. I installed Ubuntu and it starts fine, I configured my git access with ssh key stored in .ssh and tested the access with ssh m
I read that this almost impossible right now to use the GPU under WSL2 (Ubuntu-20.04 distro), but NVidia has some tutorials using docker (my GPU is nVidia 960m)
I'm having this famous issue while trying to install Typescript in my react app. Concretely, I am running this: npm install --save typescript @types/node @types
I have this error when I make project in WSL(Ubuntu 20.04). And I have installed LLVM and Clang.Hou should I do? Kconfig Makefile build configs i
I have installed docker, then WSL2 package updated in win10. But I'm getting below error while running docker-desktop:- System.InvalidOperationException: Faile
A couple of weeks ago, WSL suddenly could not reach any IP addresses nor resolve any domains. Even internal network IPs are not reachable. &g
I put @echo "============= $(TOOLPREFIX) =================" in line 34 of Makefile of xv6 used by many OS courses, in hope of printing out the value of variabl