Category "woocommerce"

WooCommerce create API webhook (POST method)

I would like to connect API but, to be honest I'm not so experienced in api connections, the API instructions are clear, but I don't know how to begin in WordPr

WooCommerce coupon usage restriction by allowed user roles

we need to make an automatic discount coupon to be applied if the current user role is ( vendor ), we achieved that by creating a normal coupon then used the sn

Adding custom fields to woocommerce checkout page disables place order button function

I'm trying to add this basic code to add a new field to the check out page. However, it seems to disable the place order button. Here is the code: /** * Add th

Set shipping class based on Tag or Attribute Woocommerce

I need to update Shipping class based on Tag, example all products with tag "Fresh" shoud have shipping class "fresh" . i try this, but without results.. add_ac

Woocommerce Checkout - Add conditional field required if one field is filled

I want to add a conditional requirement on the Checkout page. Because a lot of people fill the Name of Company without they are a company. And I want to add to

Woocommerce Rest API: woocommerce_product_invalid_image_id

Woocommerce version: 4.1.0 I am trying to create a product with categories and images via the API but I get this error : {"code":"woocommerce_product_i

Display specific shipping method if woocommerce product has specific acf field value

I need display specific shipping methods only if specific acf checkbox in product is checked. I created custom field viac ACF plugin with name "zpusob_prepravy"

Add restriction to WooCommerce coupons by allowed user ID

Let's say i'm using this code to create a coupon: $coupon_code = 'CODEOFF'; $amount = '10'; $discount_type = 'percent'; $coupon = array(

Retrieve filled in Add-on data from booking/product

I'm writing a plugin to intercept the creation of bookings in wordpress. To have all the booking information I need to access the information filled in the addo

args[max_input] woocommerce if statement confused

Cant seem to figure this out with if statements. Wanting it to show QTY 4 unless stock available is less than 4.. So far I have this.. function wpse_292293_quan

How to export WooCommerce order

I have one scenario , in which I only have a database dump. I have to write SQL query in PHPMyAdmin to get ALL the WooCommerce orders , and then EXPORT CSV from

WooCommerce Product Addons - append image to product addon field

I actually struggling with WooCommerce Product Addons plugin. The result which I want is to give possibility that woocommerce product addon fields (checkboxes t

Updating and Synchronizing Woocommerce Subscriptions to Custom Date

We have a client who is shipping Subscription products (which are actually Composite products with four to five Bundles of products in them) and they offer deli

display WooCommerce “Add to cart” button with short-code [add_to_cart ] dynamically

I use WooCommerce short-code [add_to_cart ] inside a widget sidebar On WordPress website to display “Add to cart” button on product pages (wanted to

WooCommerce: how to add suffix to attribute value? [duplicate]

We are building a wine-shop and have a few typical attributes like alcohol, sugar, acid that have values. These attributes are measured in uni

Split a WooCommerce order and create a new order if the original order has products in backorder

I have the custom order status and it works. What I need help with here is looping through the order items and checking if any of them are on backorder and if

The PHP code skips the main image on my product feed from Woocommerce

This function should return an array of Woocommerce product photos links, but it seems that the product feed that is created take the main picture only when the

I want to change pricing values according to different countries

I am creating a WordPress website and I'm using Techland theme from ninetheme. So I've created a price page and want to display pricing values by country. for e

best way to comment line in include woocommerce file

Is there a way to comment the following line or not call the function in the part of the code in Woocommerce? woocommerce/includes/admin/wc-admin-functions.php

Woocommerce product qty shortcode not working on mobile browsers

I've got an with a site, we've got this shortcode on it: if( !function_exists('show_specific_product_quantity') ) { function show_specific_product_quantity( $a