Category "woocommerce"

Filter WooCommerce related products by Polylang language

I'm using polylang plugin to having multi-languages website. Using WooCommerce with polylang demands duplicating each product for each language, so assuming I h

How to change product Image when variables are selected in Shop and Archive Pages?

I use this hook to show variations on the shop page. However, the product image does not change when a variable is selected. It works on a Single product page.

Get all WooCommerce products within own plugin

Within a plugin how do I get products using wc_get_products()? Or is there another way to do it? if ( in_array( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php', apply_filters( 'a

How to get address of all vendors from same city in Dokan Plugin?

I am using dokan for my client's website. they want to show map locations of all the vendors if they are in the same city. For example, if you select London the

Problem with woocommerce checkout and Paypal - buy button does not redirect to paypal as it doesnt change the form action

I am using paypal plus with woocommerce as you can see here: The paypal display is working so far. But when I click the buy button (h

Don't show recurring price for WooCommerce subscriptions worth 0$

I want to modify the subscription string so it only shows the sign-up fee for variations with 0$ recurring fee. I would also like to show that variation price

Page description of archive pages shows up only on the first page

My woocommerce shop page has a description set up in wordpress backend: pages > shop. Whatever I put there is shows up properly on, but it

Woocommerce Stripe No such source: 'src_1HSDYbGnTdOaP0tZcjziW81K' Error

I'm currently working with stripe woocommerce for my wordpress project, when I proceed a checkout using saved cards it shown me an error like this No such sour

WooCommerce single product page by Woolentor : Related product customize

I use WooCommerce, Woolentor, and WooCommerce subscriptions to construct a website. I'm trying to use the 'WL:Related Product' widget for Woolentor's Single Pro

How to add a sidebar to Woocommerce Shop Page?

So, I'm making my own theme from scratch for Wordpress with the Woocommerce plugin. I can seem to find how to add a sidebar widget to my Shop page... There is n

Rearrange (sort by priority) Woocommerce my account fields

How can I rearrange my-account fields .I want to locate billing_address_1 field after billing_state and billing_city fields. I used woocommerce_form_field_args

How to modify CSS in a specific page of the WP admin dashboard (backend)

I'm trying to remove both padding and the title of the dashboard page of the admin panel of WordPress. The dashboard was redesigned with the "Welcome Dashboard

Auto change order status from processing to completed in Woocommerce

I want to change every order from woocommerce if the 'PROCESSING' status will automatically be updated to 'COMPLETED'. I have tried writing the function in fun

Display a product custom field only in WooCommerce Admin single orders

This question follows How to show a product custom field (custom SKU) in WooCommerce orders answer to my previous question. How do I make a product custom field

How to debug in WooCommerce 3+

I am creating a custom shipping method for Woocommerce using this tutorial but I am having issues deb

Add customer email and phone in "Order" column to admin orders list on Woocommerce

I am trying to find a way on how to add the customer phone and email below the name on the WooCommerce order view. See picture for reference where I need to ad

Display a order failed custom notice after redirecting back to checkout page in Wordpress plugin

I want to display a cancelled order custom notice as a strip on top of checkout page (like we generally see the order success message from Wordpress). I need to

How to hide products with stock less than 2 on WooCommerce shop page

I own an e-Commerce business and i want to hide the products that have a stock of less than 3. This is what i came up to: add_action( 'woocommerce_product_que

Insert a DIV after the 6th product only once in WooCommerce category archives

I would like to show some content after the fifth product of a product category. Based on Add content in between product rows in WooCommerce archives answers co

Get the product with highest price in Woocommerce

I need to retrieve the product with highest price in whole database. I've tried this but doesn't work. $args = [ 'limit' => '1', 'orderby'