Category "wordpress"

WordPress 5.9 editor-style.css not working anymore and adds css properties that overrides block styling

I have a WP site with the Gutenberg editor styled (the place where you are writing the entry). It worked perfectly until this 5.9 update, where there have been

how do I create custom WordPress live search?

I have already created a non-live chat search on Wordpress, but I am stuck on how to make a live dropdown search. I aim to achieve this; when one clicks on the

Tag comments like <!-- sample comment --> in html for pages and posts in content WordPress

I write content in html with comments, followed by insertion on the page (visual editors and builders are disabled). I insert this html into the WordPress page

Need to manual update custom post after wp-all-import run

I everyone first of all sorry for my English, not a native speaker here. I have a problem that is probably WordPress related and not Wp-All-import fault, but th

How to add a script at the beginning of the <head> tag before all other scripts in WordPress

I've been looking for a few days in the stack overflow here but I can't find the answer to my problem. I'm trying to add the Cookie Yes script, to insert the co

WP Json Endpoint with file extension .json

I want my wp json endpoint to end with .json file extension. I have tried doing regular expression but it didn't work. What did i do wrong? Or is it even possib

Speed up woocomerce order admin search

I am using the following function to speed up woocommerce order admin search by searching in particular fields only: function custom_woocommerce_shop_order_sear

Speed up woocomerce order admin search

I am using the following function to speed up woocommerce order admin search by searching in particular fields only: function custom_woocommerce_shop_order_sear

Subdomains are not reachable after installing new website (.htaccess)

we having problems with our subdomains after installing a new website on our main adress. our main adres: Our subdomains: https://ouderc

How to change the 'stock management' availability text on single product page based on different conditions in WooCommerce

I'm trying to change the stock management availability text on single product page based on different conditions in WooCommerce. There are 5 situations, dependi

Alternative to closing php tag and entering straight HTML when echo doesn't work

I apologize in advance for the horrible title; I'm sure there's a better way to ask this question, but I couldn't come up with it. I'll try to do a better job w

How to pass "$email" to WooCommerce emails template files if not available by default

I've checked many threads on the platform. But there is no thread which explains how to use the conditional $email>id parameter straight into a template. Thi

Is using $wpdb->get_charset_collate() necessary when creating tables in WordPress?

When creating tables in WordPress, is it necessary to use $wpdb->get_charset_collate()? Wouldn't the default charset automatically be used? Example: $charset

How to show the related categories on sidebar on the category/posts page using php

I have a quote website and it has almost 50 categories, with parent child relationship. What I want is when I open love quote page, on the sidebar it will show

Hide specific WooCommerce products based on product category for users under the age of 18

I want to hide specific products, based on product category for users under the age of 18. So if the user is not logged in, or if logged in but under the age of

Hide specific WooCommerce products based on product category for users under the age of 18

I want to hide specific products, based on product category for users under the age of 18. So if the user is not logged in, or if logged in but under the age of

WP contact form 7: get current date value to populate an input field

Using contact form 7 on my website, would like to retrieve the form submission date as an input value to use in "Jetpack CRM" for a custom field. I want to avoi

I can't start xero oauth session in wordress plugin

I am trying to connect users xero accounts with my app and I have that problem Warning: session_start(): Cannot start session when headers already sent in /stor

How to use WordPress GDPR Cookie Consent plugin for Google Analytics

I add the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin in my WordPress application. When the use disables non necessary cookies, the Google Analytics should be blocked otherwise

WooCommerce - Empty the current cart on add-to-cart event

So I'm selling a digital product with WooCommerce but I don't have a shop page or anything, I just have a big CTA button on my landing page which adds the given