I have a WP site with the Gutenberg editor styled (the place where you are writing the entry). It worked perfectly until this 5.9 update, where there have been
I want to create a page using wp_insert_post but set the page to have Elementor content. Here is the code I have: // Create post object $my_post = array( 'p
Now it's showing like this: now it's showing like this I want it to look like this: I want it to look like this
I’m using Elessi Theme Version: 4.2.4 By NasaTheme. I’m not able to update any theme options. only text is written and I'm unable to click any optio
I have created two custom archive pages: archive-one.php and archive-two.php. Archive pages are placed inside main catalog of my theme. Now what I trying to do
I really don't know what's the issue. I think my code is OK but the output is wrong. I don't know anything about WordPress, please help me. elseif ($_GET['searc
I am running a query loop and want that 'if' the post has a featured image, it needs to be inside a <figure> tag. But the featured image's <img> tag
I just installed the Flatsome theme on my SSL protected site. I was going to use the UX builder to edit the pages but it was not loaded what should I do? Some s
How to show in the archive page TITLE, the number of products, in WooCommerce? Thanks!
How to show in the archive page TITLE, the number of products, in WooCommerce? Thanks!
Before I get started, I'd like to say that I tried almost every solution I could find for this problem but had no luck with them. The most popular solution was
So I'm using TailwindCSS for a WP theme I'm developing. I ran into an issue in creating the production grade theme files because, from how I understand the pr
I have 8-9 subsites on the main site. I would like to have at least 2-3 latest articles/posts from each of the subsite blogs on the main site home page. is ther
I have 8-9 subsites on the main site. I would like to have at least 2-3 latest articles/posts from each of the subsite blogs on the main site home page. is ther
I have updated a category slug and now my category page for that category is displaying a 404. I have tested doing this on a staging site and it works fine but
To all the AVADA developers, how do I edit the 100% width page template? I would like to make my own version of the given file in my AVADA child theme. In the A
Is there a way for JavaScript to interact with the DOM on a WordPress page. Or is interaction only possible through jQuery? Button element in header.php: <di
I am trying to create my owm custom theme in wordpress, i want to pull the selected logo which is already in my library, i have trouble getting the "the_custom_
I am trying to make a fetch request to the functions.php file. I am trying to avoid jQuery and Ajax thats why I am using the standard fetch API. My code in one
I am not able to save the function.php file. I am getting one error Scrape key check failed. Please try again. I have disabled all the plugins even removed al